
Billionaire Charles Koch Trashes Trump, Says Trump Tariffs are “Unfair to Foreigners”

- Juli 31, 2018

Billionaire Charles Koch attacked President Trump this past weekend during a conference with donors.

Koch said President Trump’s tariffs were “unfair to foreigners.”

Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports to protect American jobs. This upsets Charles Koch.

President Trump responded to the “globalist” Koch brothers on Tuesday.

Breitbart.com reported:

Billionaire plutocrat and GOP mega-donor Charles Koch says President Donald Trump’s tariffs on aluminum, steel, and thousands of Chinese-made imports are “ridiculous” and “unfair” to foreigners.

Koch, who funds a network of organizations with his brother, David Koch, told the media during a conference with donors over the weekend that Trump’s ten percent tariff on imported aluminum and 25 percent tariff on imported steel was not fair to foreign countries and foreign workers.

The Trump administration has said the tariffs on imported goods are necessary to protect American jobs and industries from foreign competition where foreign-made products are sold much cheaper than U.S.-made products, driving U.S. companies out of business.

“This is ridiculous, we should just get rid of all barriers except on things that will hurt people,” Koch told the media, according to ABC News.

“Yeah, it’s unfair. It’s unfair to their people,” Koch claimed of the foreign countries and foreign workers who have been hit with Trump’s tariffs.

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