
Corrupt Mueller Gang’s Russia Scandal Falls Flat – At Least They Learned Not to Indict a Russian Company This Time

- Juli 14, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

It’s clear that the corrupt Mueller team intentionally held a press conference with corrupt Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein at the helm to squash the devastation from yesterday’s Congressional Hearing with Peter Strzok.  Their ill-timed presser came as the President was meeting with the Queen of England and only days before the President meets with the Putin, the Head of Russia.  It didn’t work.

The most corrupt Deputy AG in US history, Rod Rosenstein, announced he was holding a press conference just hours after his former investigator, Peter Strzok met with Congress.  The presser no doubt was timed to deflate the incriminating Congressional Hearing where Strzok looked more like a demon than the choir boy he hoped to portray.

Strzok failed miserably yesterday to convince anyone that he is anything but guilty of the numerous crimes instigated by the Deep State involving the Hillary email scandal, the Russia collusion scandal and the Mueller witch hunt.  Because of this, Mueller’s corrupt Special Counsel decided to again make an effort to change the headlines.  The Mueller team has done this repeatedly as the news of its corruption has been unearthed.  The Mueller gangsters this time opted to hold a press conference rather than release fake news leaks, many of which the President claims in the past were not even true.

The Mueller team uses the fake news MSM as cover and they oblige through reporting leaked stories from the Mueller team.  Their efforts have to date been to keep the fake news narrative running that President Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election to steal the election.  To date there is no evidence that this is the case, but yesterday’s Strzok Hearing provided plenty of evidence that Strzok, the Deep State, Democrats, the Hillary campaign, the Obama Administration and the MSM all colluded with Russia to take down the Trump campaign and later Presidency.

Strzok was horrible when claiming that he was a patriot rather than a villain during the Hearing.  He claimed that he could be trusted, in spite of the numerous texts to the contrary, to independently and objectively investigate Hillary and Trump.  The far-left angry inspector let Hillary off in her email scandal with no indictments in spite of evidence of numerous crimes but went after President Trump with a vengeance in spite of evidence of no crimes.  Strzok also expected to be believed in spite of carrying on an affair with a fellow FBI employee using government laptops and phones to carry on the tryst.

So in an effort to overshadow another of President Trump’s successful and historical events overseas, the corrupt Mueller cabal decided to hold a presser today.  The purpose of the presser, like the only other presser of note provided by the Deep State operatives, was to indict some Russians no one has heard of.  This comes only a few days before President Trump meets with Russian President Putin.

It’s unusual for the Obama Administration’s DOJ or FBI or the current team in these entities, as well as the Mueller team to hold a press conference.  Most news reported from these entities are leaked to the media.  The DOJ IG’s reports on McCabe and the Clinton Email Scandal include numerous incidents of leaks being provided to the MSM from these entities.  This culture of corruption started under Obama and continues to this day.  It’s ironic during today’s presser, that the corrupt DAG felt compelled to state that most the leaks to date have not come from the Mueller gang – leaving out who could have possibly leaked the reports if not the Mueller team.

Corrupt DAG Rosenstein claimed today that another batch of Russians that no one has ever heard of are being indicted for messing with the US election.  After the many months of lies, leaks and criminal actions, the DAG’s message went flat.  No one believes these Deep State fabricators anymore.   Strzok was the last straw and he showed that he is possibly the most dishonest and corrupt FBI agent in US history.

Rosenstein announced more Russians that are now indicted, but the Mueller team learned from its last presser indicting Russians, that it’s best not to indict Russian companies.  Their last batch of Russian indictments has turned into a circus as lawyers from one of the three companies indicted by Mueller showed up to defend their client.

The attorneys representing Concord Management, one of the Russian Companies that the corrupt Mueller team accused of impacting the 2016 Presidential election, have destroyed the “Unlawfully Appointed Special Counsel” in court.

Desperate Robert Mueller is bringing in reinforcements after the Russian attorneys continue to make a laughing stock out of the Mueller team of misfit and conflicted far left attorneys.

Mueller’s team of biased and misguided attorneys are incompetent. They never expected anyone to challenge them in court on their fake Russian indictments and are certainly no match for the attorneys representing Concord Management.

In an attempt to save their image this time, Mueller left out indicting any Russian companies.

Overall, it’s another big fail for the dishonest, corrupt and criminal actors of the Deep State.  Their image is ruined.  Their mission was misguided and doomed to fail.  They will all go down as the most corrupt and criminal actors in US history in their attempt to overthrow this great nation.  Americans now see right through their crimes.

The post Corrupt Mueller Gang’s Russia Scandal Falls Flat – At Least They Learned Not to Indict a Russian Company This Time appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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