
Daily Beast Gut-Buster=> Laugh Your A$$ Off as You Read About DB’s Crackpot ‘Fancy Bear’ Russian Spear-Phishing Investigation

- Juli 27, 2018


Daily Beast — A Far-Left Blog Known For Spreading Russia Conspiracy Theories and Misidentifying Terrorists — Discovers Through Top-Notch Forensic Analysis a Sinister Russian Plot to Spear-Phish their Way into Senator Claire McCaskill’s circle of crazy.

The Daily Beast, a Chelsea Clinton-linked conspiracy site that spreads political misinformation and celebrity gossip, used their crack forensic analysis experts to dig into a spear-phishing attack on Claire McCaskill and her team of experts.

The Daily Beast forensic analysis experts confirmed on Thursday the spear-phishing attack is linked back to the  Russia’s GRU intelligence agency.

Claire McCaskill is so shook by this revelation, according to the Daily Beast forensics team, that she can’t speak of this yet.  The pain is too fresh.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to The Daily Beast forensic analysis team do discuss the the brilliance of their Fancy Bear investigation.

The Daily Beast forensic experts was even able to link the Fancy Bear spear-phishing attack to President Trump’s verbal assault on Claire McCaskill at a Missouri rally.

Putin and his Puppet strike again!

Read the whole thing here.

Claire McCaskill is going to play the Russian card as a ploy to get sympathy votes.  Unbelievable!

This is a perfect representation of the modern day American left — batsh*t crazy.


The post Daily Beast Gut-Buster=> Laugh Your A$$ Off as You Read About DB’s Crackpot ‘Fancy Bear’ Russian Spear-Phishing Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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