
Despite Putin and Cohen, Trump Takes No Questions as He Leaves for the Weekend

- Juli 22, 2018



Despite the week of nightly protests outside the White House (covered here) and the rush among congressional Republicans to pass damage-control legislation (seen here) in response to Trump’s fumbling at — and after — Monday’s summit with Putin (recounted here), the President took no questions as he left for the weekend.

In addition to Putin-related issues, The New York Times reported Friday that DT’s lawyer previously secretly recorded a discussion with Trump regarding paying off a former Playmate with whom he frolicked (read more here).

As he headed for the (really big!) presidential helicopter, reporters attempted to collect answers.

But tough stuff!

As for the story concerning Playboy girl Karen McDougal — who allegedly had a big fat affair with The Donald — The Washington Post claimed Thursday that the payment discussed on Cohen’s recording went to American Media Inc., which bought the rights to McDougal’s story.

The affair was first reported before the 2016 election, at which time then-spokeswoman Hope Hicks dismissed the notion.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told the Times the Cohen tape was “powerful exculpatory evidence.”

According to Cornell Law School:

exculpatory evidence = Evidence, such as a statement, tending to excuse, justify, or absolve the alleged fault or guilt of a defendant.

Giuliani thinks it’s no big deal:

“Nothing in that conversation suggests that he had any knowledge of [the payment] in advance.”

Trump is now at his New Jersey golf course, where, soon, he’ll be able to walk outside and see this.

What do you think of the President’s exit? Should he have entertained reporters? He’s been known to do so outside the White House from time to time. Also, what’s your view of the Cohen tape? Please let me know in the Comments section below.

In case you missed the relevant RedState links in this article, please find them hereherehere, here, and here.

For something different, please check out my coverage of the reopening of the Red Hen, a Reuters writer’s placement of blame for the Annapolis shooting, and Trump on Father’s Day.

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The post Despite Putin and Cohen, Trump Takes No Questions as He Leaves for the Weekend appeared first on RedState.


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