
DETER Act: Republicans Race to Strike Russia Before November Elections

- Juli 21, 2018



As I wrote about Thursday, in light of Trump’s Russia fumbling over the last few days (covered here), and with congressional elections less than four months away, Republicans have rushed to take stances against Russia (see here).

One such effort is a bill sponsored by Marco Rubio and Democrat Chris Van Hollen, which imposes sanctions on Russia for any electoral interference moving forward.

In order to advance the cause sooner than later, the senators are requesting the relevant Senate committees hold hearings in order to vote on the bill by early August.

In a letter to high-ranking members of the Senate Banking and Foreign Relations committees, Rubio and Hollen explained the virtue of the package:

“Given the urgency of the challenge before our nation, we urge your respective committee to work to hold its hearing and for the Senate Banking Committee to mark up the DETER Act during this work period. The Senate has the opportunity to highlight to the American public the real threats that foreign interference in our future elections pose, and to act to deter future foreign interference and defend our country. We are just 110 days away from our elections in November. The time to come together and act is now.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has also asked the Foreign Relations and Banking committees for hearings on sanctions against Russia which were approved last year.

Van Hollen and Rubio’s petition goes further: they’re setting a deadline of August 6 (the beginning of a 7-day break) for the hearings as well as the Banking Committee’s vote.

And…they’re off — in the race to see who can do the most the fastest, with regard to Russia. As November comes hurriedly toward us.

Do you think the DETER Act — which is surely being pushed through for political gain in the congressional elections more so than immediate interference deterrence — will help the GOP in November? Please sound off in the Comments section below.

In case you missed the relevant RedState links in this article, please go here and here.

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The post DETER Act: Republicans Race to Strike Russia Before November Elections appeared first on RedState.


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