
Facebook Eliminates Conservative Pages in Brazil Too — Just Weeks Before National Election

- Juli 31, 2018

It’s been widely reported by this website that Facebook has eliminated the traffic to top conservative websites in the United States.

A Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.

Facebook began eliminating conservative content after the 2016 election.

Here are the full results from our study.

We have another study on Facebook censorship coming out in the coming weeks.

Report: Facebook Eliminates 93% of Traffic to Top Conservative Websites by Jim Hoft on Scribd

But Facebook is not only interfering in US politics — Facebook is also playing favorites in Brazil.

The social media giant recently eliminated several conservative pages just weeks before national elections.

The Daily Signal reported:

Conservative groups in Brazil are protesting against Facebook after it banned 196 pages and 87 individual profiles, many of them on the right side of the ideological spectrum.

The Facebook purge has raised concerns that the platform may be pursuing a political agenda in the run-up to the Oct. 7 elections for a new president, a new National Congress, and new state assemblies.

Facebook has more than 100 million users in Brazil, about half of the country’s population.

The Facebook accounts were removed on July 25 without any notification. One of the organizations affected is Brasil 200, a free-market group founded by businessman and former presidential candidate Flavio Rocha.

Other banned pages have links to Movimento Brasil Livre (the Free Brazil Movement), the main grassroots movement behind the massive protests that successfully demanded the impeachment of leftist President Dilma Rousseff in 2016.

Facebook defended the move, claiming in a press release—in Portuguese—that the pages and profiles “were part of a coordinated network that disguised itself using fake accounts and hid from the public the nature and origins of its content, with the purpose of causing division and spreading disinformation.”

The company, however, refused to provide more details to back up its allegations.

The post Facebook Eliminates Conservative Pages in Brazil Too — Just Weeks Before National Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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