
FBI Cited Anti-Trump Media Articles to Wiretap Carter Page

- Juli 22, 2018

On Saturday, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton announced documents related to the FISA warrants on Trump’s former campaign advisor, Carter Page were released by the FBI — and arrived at JW headquarters.

Obama’s Deep State FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page in October of 2016 and three subsequent renewals in order to spy on Trump’s campaign and transition team.

Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and Sally Yates all signed the FISA applications even though Hillary’s fraudulent Russia dossier was used as a pretext to obtain the warrants.

The newly released docs reveal Obama’s Deep State DOJ and FBI withheld information about Hillary Clinton and the DNC being behind the information used to obtain the FISA warrant.

It gets worse…

The newly released docs reveal the FBI used anti-Trump media reports from liberal news sites in order to obtain the Carter Page FISA warrants.

The FBI relied on a July 18, 2016, story in the Washington Post with the headline, “Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine” — a blatantly false description of events, says the Washington Examiner’s Byron York.

Via Byron York:

The narrative spread. “The same month that Trump denied Putin’s role in Ukraine, his team weakened the party platform on Ukraine,” Democratic Rep. Andre Carson said during a House Intelligence Committee hearing in March.

“This was the same month that several individuals in the Trump orbit held secret meetings with Russian officials, some of which may have been on the topic of sanctions against Russia or their intervention in Ukraine. Now, this is no coincidence, in my opinion.”

In addition to being factually wrong, that storyline seems particularly out of place coming from Democrats, because the 2016 Democratic platform, while pledging to “stand up to Russian aggression,” said nothing about U.S. sanctions against Russia or about U.S. aid to Ukraine’s armed forces, both of which were in the Trump-approved Republican platform. Needless to say, the Democratic platform said not a word about lethal aid to Ukraine.

The FBI also relied on Michael Isikoff’s September 2016 Yahoo News article on Carter Page.

President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton called the circular evidence of Hillary’s phony dossier leaked to the media–then media articles citing the dossier in turn being used to obtain a FISA warrant a “self-licking ice cream cone.”

The post FBI Cited Anti-Trump Media Articles to Wiretap Carter Page appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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