
Federal Judge Tosses Junk DNC Lawsuit Alleging Trump Camp and Roger Stone Colluded with Russia During Campaign

- Juli 05, 2018

Federal District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle tossed a junk lawsuit by DNC hacks alleging the Trump campaign and Roger Stone colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

The judge said the evidence was too flimsy (or non existent).

The judge was appointed by Clinton.

It’s nice to know there is at least one honest Democrat in America today.

FOX News reported:

A federal judge on Tuesday tossed a lawsuit claiming that the Trump campaign and former adviser Roger Stone colluded with WikiLeaks and the Russian government to publish hacked Democratic National Committee emails during the presidential election.

U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle said in a ruling that the allegations of conspiracy were insubstantial to proceed in a court, Politico reported.

“The Trump Campaign’s efforts to elect President Trump in D.C. are not suit-related contacts for those efforts did not involve acts taken in furtherance of the conspiracies to disseminate emails that harmed plaintiffs,” wrote the Clinton-appointed judge. “Campaign meetings, canvassing voters, and other regular business activities of a political campaign do not constitute activities related to the conspiracies alleged in the complaint.”

She noted that her ruling is based on the technicalities of the lawsuit and doesn’t take a position on whether the Trump campaign and its officials actually conspired with the Russians during the election…

…The lawsuit was brought by two DNC donors, Roy Cockrum and Eric Schoenberg, and former DNC staffer Scott Comer, who alleged that the publication of the emails violated their privacy and that the Trump campaign and Stone engaged in an illicit activity, according to Politico.

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