
Former CNN Producer Slams Jim Acosta as Self-Serving Embarrassment to Media

- Juli 01, 2018

Former CNN Senior Digital Producer Steve Krakauer slammed CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta for screaming at President Trump Friday as Trump was leaving a White House event promoting the six-month anniversary of major tax cut legislation going into effect. Acosta screamed from the back of the room at Trump, “Mr. President, will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?”, even though Trump had made a heartfelt statement at the start of the event on the mass killing of five Capital Gazette journalists in Maryland on Thursday by a deranged man upset with how the paper had covered him.

Krakauer said on Twitter, “Truly an embarrassment, on multiple levels. Jim Acosta’s self-serving antics give all good journalists a bad name…On a day journalists could honor the memory of fellow reporters tragically killed due to a deranged person with a vendetta going back years, Acosta tries to shift the blame to Trump, thus validating many Americans’ feelings about the Acela Media (that existed long before Trump).”

Krakauer’s Twitter bio shows a broad background in online media, “@Commerce_House, @AutonomousMag podcast / Past- Senior Digital Producer: CNN. VP, Digital Content: TheBlaze. Editor: Mediaite, TVNewser. NBC Page. Syracuse alum”

Attendee of tax cut event turns and shushes Acosta as he yells at President Trump, screen image via Politico video clip.

Politico posted video of Acosta:

Acosta commented on Twitter about his shouting at Trump, “I tried to ask the president if he would stop calling us the enemy of the people. He did not respond…We also had a few folks who shushed is in the audience. Of course we are not going to be shushed.”

Video of President Trump’s remarks on the Capital Gazette massacre.

The post Former CNN Producer Slams Jim Acosta as Self-Serving Embarrassment to Media appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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