
From Her Kung-Fu Grip: Hillary Clinton Fights for Relevance as She Struggles to Still Defeat Trump

- Juli 31, 2018



A political action committee founded by the greatest of all presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton, has donated $130,000 to Democratic PACs and candidates for the November elections.

Filings with the Federal Election Commission reflect the contributions by OTC.

She still believes we’re going to go onward together. Together…with Hillary.

Onward Together Committee is the PAC that sits alongside Onward Together, which was founded in 2017 after the former First Lady’s egregiously devastating defeat by a man who’d literally never done anything politically, ever, in any remote way, at any time, for even a minute, ever, ever.

Hold on; I have to laugh.

Anyway, Onward Together is a “social welfare” nonprofit.

“Nonprofit,” like the Clinton Foundation? Like that kind of nonprofit?

Maybe after all the CF stuff, the last thing Hillary shoulda been doin’ is founding a nonprofit. But she did — to be a part of #Resist.

Hillary’s new project has brought in donations totaling $183,823 during this election cycle, as per the committee’s records. It began dispersing the funds during the second quarter of the year.

OTC’s donations were made in $5,000 increments, to 26 left-wing recipients. A few were Pennsylvania’s Susan Wild (for the 7th congressional district), Jennifer Wexton in Virginia (10th district), and Katie Porter in the 45th district of California.

Onward Together Committee also threw some cash to the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s BOLD PAC.

After establishing Onward Together, Clinton moved $800,000 from her failed campaign (maybe that extra dough could’ve snagged the presidency) to the new venture.

In a June email, she bragged about raising more than one million smackeroos for victims of family separation at the border:

“Since I reached out to ask this community to step up and support the groups working to protect and reunite families that have been separated at the border, you’ve raised more than $1 million that will be split between the teams at the American Civil Liberties Union, the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project, the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, Human Rights First, Kids in Need of Defense, La Union del Pueblo Entero, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, United We Dream Action, We Belong Together, and the Women’s Refugee Commission.”

I suppose she forgot to mention that family separation was wholly created by Democrats, partly comprised of actions by her husband’s administration and a Democratic Congress while she served as senator (see more here).

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Onward Together has distributed more than $1 million to Trump “resistance” groups in 2017.

Recently, Hillary’s “resisted” by making the unbelievably imbecilic claim that SCOTUS nominee Bret Kavanaugh would take us back to the days of slavery (covered here).

As I wrote earlier this year, there is much about elegance and grace Clinton could learn from former First Lady Barbara Bush. Sadly, the chances seem slim.

Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, and she just can’t let it go — she’s still fighting against Donald Trump, almost two years later. Personally, her apparently out-of-control need for vengeance makes me grateful she never ascended to presidential power.

Thanks to her kicking-and-screaming exit from the public stage, we can breathe a sigh of relief, and move onward. Together.

Thank you so much for reading! Please join the discussion in the Comments section below — I want to hear from you.

For something (slightly) totally different, check out my coverage of what I like about Trump, Santa Fe and the mind of the Left, and Rachel Maddow’s celebration of a Democratic comeback.

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