
HERE WE GO=> Dem Senator Asks SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh to Recuse Himself From Any Cases Related to Mueller Investigation

- Juli 21, 2018

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)

The left is on the march.

On Friday, Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) asked Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, to recuse himself from any cases related to Mueller’s Special Counsel witch hunt.

Democrats fear President Trump will take Mueller all the way up to the SCOTUS to finish him once and for all so they are pulling out all the stops to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

The Hill reported:

“To avoid the prospect that President Trump could effectively choose a judge in his own case, I request that you pledge to recuse yourself from any cases related to the Special Counsel’s investigation and any that otherwise may immediately impact the President and his associates as it relates to the ongoing criminal investigation should you be confirmed,” Booker said in a letter to Kavanaugh on Friday.

“The American public must have full confidence that the integrity of any decisions handed down by the Supreme Court on these matters will not be tainted by any impropriety or the appearance of impropriety from the President’s selection of you.”

Booker cited remarks Kavanaugh made in 2016, “on the ability of a sitting President to be investigated.”

DAG Rosenstein and the Dems are using every strategy possible to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Earlier this week, it was reported Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Dems were stalling their meetings with Kavanaugh in an effort to delay his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Via Politico:

The politically strategic slight has raised hackles at the White House, which has been reaching out to Senate Democrats to schedule meetings but has found itself rebuffed at every turn. Some Democrats have said they won’t meet with Kavanaugh until Schumer does. Others have more benignly cited scheduling conflicts.

Last week, in an unusual request, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asked federal prosecutors to help review documents of President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Rosenstein’s email subject line sent to 93 US Attorney’s read, “Personal Message to U.S. Attorneys From the Deputy A.G.,” and included the sentence, “We need your help in connection with President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court.”

According to Christopher Hunter, a former FBI agent and federal prosecutor, “It’s flat-out wrong to have career federal prosecutors engaged in a political process like the vetting of a Supreme Court nominee. It takes them away from the mission they’re supposed to be fulfilling, which is effective criminal justice enforcement,” The New York Times reported.

Dirty Rosenstein and the Democrats know President Trump can take Mueller all the way up to the Supreme Court so they are doing everything they can to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation to prevent Trump from cementing a conservative majority which would ultimately squash the Russia witch hunt.

Brett Kavanaugh should never agree to any recusal; he should tell the Dems to pound sand.

The post HERE WE GO=> Dem Senator Asks SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh to Recuse Himself From Any Cases Related to Mueller Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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