
IT BEGINS=> GOP Lawmaker: ‘If it Requires Handcuffs to Get Lisa Page to Abide by a Congressional Subpoena, So Be It’

- Juli 12, 2018

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)


On Wednesday, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said if it takes putting Lisa Page in handcuffs and bringing her to Capitol Hill by force in order to get her to comply with a Congressional subpoena, so be it.

On Tuesday night Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her legal counsel announced she will not appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday despite a Congressional subpoena.

A defiant Lisa Page argued through her lawyer she wasn’t given enough time to prepare for the interview and was not allowed to review requested documents at the FBI on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters he’s willing to hold Lisa Page in contempt of Congress if she continues to defy a Congressional subpoena.

Chairman Goodlatte followed up on Speaker Ryan’s statement by saying Lisa Page could be held in contempt of Congress as soon as Friday.

Now this…

Congressman Zeldin has had it and says it’s time to use the full force of Congressional power to get Lisa Page to comply.

Zeldin tweeted: If it requires handcuffs to get Lisa Page, an employee of the fed govt, to abide by a Congressional subpoena to testify & answer questions then so be it. Working for the FBI is a great privilege, but Page doesn’t become her own branch of govt in charge of her own set of fed laws.

A couple hours later Zeldin doubled down and said Lisa Page should be held in contempt and brought to Capitol Hill by force if necessary.

Zeldin: Page’s refusal to testify in Congress shows even more contempt for the American people, accountability & transparency, than it shows contempt of Congress. This former top FBI official & Strzok accomplice should be held in contempt & brought to Capitol Hill by force if necessary.

The post IT BEGINS=> GOP Lawmaker: ‘If it Requires Handcuffs to Get Lisa Page to Abide by a Congressional Subpoena, So Be It’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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