
It’s a Party! Opera, Mariachi, Auctions, and Sam Micelli — Weeklong Protest Night at the White House

- Juli 22, 2018



On Friday night, a former adviser of Hillary’s showed up at the White House for a fifth night of protest.

To spice things up, Adam Parkhomenko brought dancers and a hip hop band.

Yes — it’s that goofy.

The event — known as “Occupy Lafayette Park” — stands in opposition to Monday’s Helsinki summit with Russia.

Check out some video, complete with “Treason” signs.

**”Treason” has a meaning, but why take into consideration the meaning of words (like this and this)? Just say stuff that sounds bad about Trump! #Resist!**

Believe it or not, it’s actually the most incredible thing ever:

I will say — that guy is a really good singer. That high note: HOLY COW.

On the first night of the outcry, hundreds appeared to “welcome” the President upon his return from meeting his alleged world-destroying accomplice, Vladimir Putin.

Saturday night was all set for more dissent. Sadly for — and, perhaps, unbeknownst to — the protestors, Trump left Friday night for his golf course in New Jersey, where soon, he’ll get to see one of these.

On Thursday night, Parkhomenko hosted opera singers, who performed “The Star Spangled Banner” (Did everyone kneel?).

Wednesday’s lineup included an 18-member mariachi band.

Also present:

  • Stormy Daniels’s attorney, Michael Avenatti — That’s no surprise.
  • Adorable Alyssa Milano — I cannot deny her. Even when she makes a fool of herself (like this), Samantha Micelli — who I believe is well-intentioned — gets a little bit of a pass.
  • Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro

Parkhomenko is looking for more performers for the extravaganza — puppeteers, bagpipe players (I’m sorry, but it’s the most annoying instrument in the world), and an auctioneer.

The auction theme will be used to suggest Trump is selling out America.

“I am looking for a professional auctioneer that can verbally reenact outside the White House everything important Trump is giving away to the highest bidder. If you have recommendations let me know!”


I have a recommendation: stop the goofiness.

Thank you for reading! Please let your voice be heard in the Comments section. These articles are not intended as merely information, but as a catalyst within a forum. I want to know what you think.

In case you missed the relevant RedState links in this article, please find them here, here, here, and here.

For something different, please check out my coverage of Roseanne vs. Michelle Wolf, Chelsea Clinton vs. Ivanka Trump, and the HUGELY commented-on “Beached Wail” story: Part 1 and Part 2.

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