
Jordanian National Arrested for Smuggling Six Yemenis Across US Open Border with Mexico

- Juli 31, 2018

Jordanian national Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was arrested this week for allegedly smuggling six Yemenis across the open US border with Mexico.

Aldairi was arrested for his smuggling trips across the Texas border with Mexico.

The Daily Caller reported:

A Jordanian national who allegedly smuggled six Yemeni citizens across the U.S.- Mexico border was arrested Saturday, according to the Department of Justice.

Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, 31, was given an arrest warrant followed by a criminal complaint on May 29 for the supposed smuggling trips through the Texas border between July 1, 2017 and December 12, 2017, the DOJ reported Monday.

Aldairi was also a Mexican citizen and conspired with others who wanted to smuggle “Special Interest Aliens” across the border, according to the complaint.

Each of the smuggled Yemeni citizens positively identified Aldairi from a six-pack photo lineup.

The DOJ released a statement on the arrest.

“Aldairi allegedly smuggled six Yemeni citizens across the Mexican border and into the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. “Alien smuggling puts our national security at risk, and the Criminal Division is dedicated to enforcing our immigration laws and disrupting the flow of illegal aliens into the United States.”

“The arrest of Aldairi showcases HSI’s unique ability to coordinate investigative efforts across international boundaries with multiple countries and different agencies throughout the U.S. Government,” said HSI Special Agent in Charge Folden. “Attacking the leader/organizers of illicit international pathways for aliens from certain countries of interest will always be a priority of HSI.”

This case is being investigated by HSI Eagle Pass, with assistance from HSI New York, HSI Jordan and the U.S. Embassy of Jordan.

The post Jordanian National Arrested for Smuggling Six Yemenis Across US Open Border with Mexico appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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