
MAYHEM IN PORTLAND=> Federal Officers Pepper Spray Anti-ICE Protesters WITH NO MERCY (VIDEOS)

- Juli 12, 2018


Federal Officers unleashed on anti-ICE protesters in Portland Wednesday and pepper sprayed the heck outta them.

Eight protesters were arrested at the ICE building in Southwest Portland, reported KOIN 6 News.

A spokesman for the division responsible for protecting the ICE building in SW Portland said protesters threw objects at federal officers after defying orders to stop blocking the driveway.

Anti-ICE protesters have been causing problems in Portland and across the nation for weeks now.

On Monday, three protesters in Portland were also arrested after assaulting officers.

A couple weeks ago, federal agents in riot gear cleared out ICE protesters in Portland, however; the malcontents vowed they would return in greater numbers.

Watch how these federal officers pepper spray the anti-ICE protesters with no mercy!

VIDEO: (language warning)

Watch federal officers take down, pepper bomb and arrest several protesters blocking the ICE building driveway. (language warning)

The post MAYHEM IN PORTLAND=> Federal Officers Pepper Spray Anti-ICE Protesters WITH NO MERCY (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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