
Papa Johns Goofs and Caves to the Social Justice Crowd

- Juli 20, 2018

The pizza chain known as Papa Johns has been embroiled in controversy for some time now, but it looks like the company has finally caved to the pressure and is looking to get woke.

According the Papa Johns Twitter feed, the company is now taking a long, hard look at itself and is aiming to become more diverse and inclusive.

“Diverse and inclusive” is essentially social justice newspeak for diversity hires and extra benefits for anyone who falls within the realm of social justice protected groups.

This reaction began when former Papa Johns CEO, John Schnatter, used the “N word” during a conference call, and had pointed out (rightfully) that the NFL protests were hurting his pizza sales. The mob was so unforgiving that the pizza company apologized for the comment, and Schnatter soon found himself out as CEO.

But despite Papa John’s message that they would try to find a middle ground, the fact that they blinked in the face of the SocJus mob only elevated their thirst for blood, and the hounding continued. This resulted in a Forbes article detailing the company’s “bro culture” and apparent mistreatment of women, including crass jokes about menstruation and gang bangs.

Schnatter and the company refute this happened, according to Forbes:

Under Ritchie’s and Schnatter’s watch, multiple insiders describe a laundry list of transgressions: Female employees were mocked and asked if they were menstruating. Male executives made references to “gangbangs” and comments about whether women wanted “to jump on the train.” Three former employees say Ritchie was present when these types of remarks were made and just laughed along.

Reached through a representative, Schnatter disputed most of this story. Papa John’s did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Ritchie, for his part, did not respond to a request for comment. And O’Hern contested portions of this story, though he confirmed his close ties to Schnatter.

The article goes on to accuse Schnatter of heinous behavior, all of which Schnatter denies. Those who are said to have witness the behavior give “diplomatic” answers that hint that it’s true without really saying it is.

Whether the accusations against Schnatter are true or not doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make Papa John’s any less scalped.

The move toward a more social justice friendly company includes hiring an aforementioned “outside experts” in the form of law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP according to the Papa Johns blog. This includes the creation of a “special committee” that will make the company more diverse, inclusionary, etc.

“We’re focused on creating the right future for Papa John’s,” said Olivia Kirtley, lead independent director of the board and a member of the special committee. “The special committee of the board is committed to this thorough audit and investigation and to taking deliberate actions to rebuild trust at Papa John’s and to ensure that this company is driven by the values of diversity, equity, inclusion and respect.”

Rest assured, diversity isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but diversity for diversity’s sake is. Inclusion is also good, but inclusion to bring in someone because they’re a certain skin color, gender, or orientation, instead of whether or not they’re qualified for the job is bad. Equity is great, but too often “equity” or “equality” is too often used as a way to suppress others so those not doing as well can get ahead.

The sad part is that those companies that engage in social justice oftentimes find themselves lacking diversity, inclusion, and especially equity. Google made their company all about women, even going so far as firing James Damore for suggesting that women are different from men. Their dedication to women and diversity the point of alleged illegality (as Damore would highlight) didn’t matter a lick, as women would go on to sue Google for unfair treatment. Rest assured, Google being the woke company they are put up zero fight and paid the women off. Better to continue looking like the SocJus friendly company they are, and sweep whatever they can under the rug as swiftly as possible. Being a social justice company is expensive.

Engaging in social justice values is also killing Marvel Comics, and it’s even driven viewers away from the NFL which lost 33 percent of its viewers due to boycotts.

Social justice is poison, pure and simple. Hopefully Papa Johns won’t suffer the same fate, but it’s highly unlikely. If the pattern continues, the pizza chain will find itself sinking further and further into the water.

The post Papa Johns Goofs and Caves to the Social Justice Crowd appeared first on RedState.


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