
Rep. Gohmert Reveals Govt Watchdog Found Clinton Emails Were Sent to ‘Foreign Entity’ (VIDEO)

- Juli 15, 2018

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed in the hearing on Thursday that the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that nearly all of Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 emails were sent to a foreign entity and the FBI did nothing about it.

The ICIG found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Gohmert said to Strzok during the hearing on Thursday.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” Gohmert continued.

Gohmert revealed the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker met Peter Strzok and presented the anomaly to him, yet he did nothing about it.

Peter Strzok only admitted to meeting with Rucker, however he claimed he could not recall “specific content” discussed.

Inspector General Horowitz was also notified about Hillary’s emails going to a foreign entity, however he did nothing about it either.

“Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

Transcription of the exchange via Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller:

Gohmert: You said earlier in this hearing you were concerned about a hostile foreign power affecting the election. Do you recall the former Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough having an investigation into an anomaly found on Hillary Clinton’s emails?

Let me refresh your memory. The Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Rucker along with an IGIC attorney Janette McMillan to brief you and Dean Chapelle and two other FBI personnel who I won’t name at this time, about an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton’s emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating?

Strzok: I remember meeting Mr. Rucker on either one or two occasions. I do not recall the specific content or discussions.

Gohmert: Mr. Rucker reported to those of you, the four of you there, in the presence of the ICIG attorney, that they had found this anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list. It was a compartmentalized bit of information that was sending it to an unauthorized source. Do you recall that?

Strzok: Sir, I don’t.

Gohmert: He went on the explain it. And you didn’t say anything, you thanked him, you shook his hand. The problem is it was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia and from what you’ve said here, you did nothing more than nod and shake the man’s hand when you didn’t seem to be all that concerned about our national integrity of our election when it was involving Hillary Clinton. So the forensic examination was done by the ICIG — and they can document that — but you were given that information and you did nothing with it. And one of the things I found most egregious with Mr. Horowitz’s testimony, and — by the way Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call.

It’s pathetic to watch the same FBI agents and watchdogs who did nothing about Hillary Clinton’s compromised private server act like they care about cyber-security with their bogus Russian election hacking investigation.

The FBI wasn’t even doing their job to protect our nation; their politics and desire to protect Hillary Clinton from consequences destroyed the integrity of the bureau.


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