
REPORT: House Conservatives Preparing to Impeach Rosenstein as Soon as Monday

- Juli 14, 2018

House GOP lawmakers are preparing to push to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as soon as Monday, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows previously drafted the impeachment documents, however nothing has been filed yet.

GOP Congressmen are fed up with Rosenstein’s continued stonewalling of their probe of the FBI’s and DOJ’s corruption, Spygate and Russiagate during the 2016 election.

Politico reported:

House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

“It has not been filed today,” was all Meadows spokesman Ben Williamson would say. Williamson declined to rule out whether Meadows intended to file the document next week.

Republicans could also try to hold Rosenstein in contempt of Congress, if they want to go a step before impeachment.

Friday, Rep. Mark Meadows hinted once again Rosenstein attempted to obstruct oversight.

Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page appeared on Capitol Hill Friday for a closed-door deposition.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows dropped a bombshell Friday afternoon and said it appears the DOJ is continuing their efforts to keep material facts and even witnesses from Congress.

Meadows tweeted: Remarkably, we learned new information today suggesting the DOJ had not notified Lisa Page of Congress’ outstanding interview requests for over 7 months now. The DOJ/FBI appear to be continuing their efforts to keep material facts, and perhaps even witnesses, from Congress.

Rosenstein was defiant, smug and laughed off lawmakers during a recent Congressional hearing and refused to answer many pertinent Spygate questions.

The Deputy Attorney General has been working overtime to obstruct House conservatives from oversight while running offense for the Deep State with the Mueller witch hunt.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein are out of control and need to be prosecuted and thrown in prison.

Friday’s revelation the DOJ had not notified Lisa Page of Congress’ outstanding interview requests for over 7 months may be the last straw for GOP lawmakers; it’s way past time to get rid of Rod Rosenstein.


The post REPORT: House Conservatives Preparing to Impeach Rosenstein as Soon as Monday appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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