
Rosenstein Found It Necessary to Interrupt Trump’s Foreign Trip with Info That WAS ALL RELEASED in Previous April House Intel Report

- Juli 14, 2018

Dirty cop Robert Mueller indicted 12 more Russians on Friday in his ongoing witch hunt to discredit and bring down the Trump administration in a phony collusion scandal.

Mueller and accomplice Rosenstein waited to announce the junk charges until the US president was on foreign soil and just days before his meeting with Russian President Vlad Putin.

To date 80% of Robert Mueller’s junk indictments have been against Russians who will never face a US court because they will never visit the United States.

It now appears that all of this new and urgent information released by dirty cop Rod Rosenstein on Friday was already published months ago in the House Intel report on Russian active measures released by Rep. Devin Nunes.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) tweeted this out on Friday.

Devin Nunes tweeted out on Friday that his House Intel panel report on Russian active measures uncovered everything in the latest Mueller Russia indictments.

It is all listed on the Summary of Findings in the April House Intelligence Report.

Again — the full House Intel report is here and includes all of the details from Rosenstein’s urgent press conference on Friday.

Rosenstein and Mueller did this on the last business day before the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki.

Rosenstein interrupted President Trump’s foreign trip to drop this information that was PREVIOUSLY RELEASED by the House Intelligence Committee.

House GOP lawmakers are preparing to push to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as soon as Monday, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources.

It can’t come a day too soon.

The post Rosenstein Found It Necessary to Interrupt Trump’s Foreign Trip with Info That WAS ALL RELEASED in Previous April House Intel Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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