
Rosenstein: ‘There’s No Allegation Russian Interference Changed the Vote Count or Affected Election Outcome’ (VIDEO)

- Juli 14, 2018

Here we go…another junk indictment by the Special Counsel in order to drag the Russian hoax into the midterm elections.


Rosenstein held a presser Friday and confirmed the DNC server was never hacked.

Rather, the DNC emails were obtained through a “spear phishing” email scam which THOUSANDS of others, including Republicans fell for.

Rosenstein said there is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime.

DAG Rosenstein also said the so-called Russian interference did not change the vote count nor did it affect the outcome of the election.

“There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing,” Rosenstein said.

Rosenstein also confirmed Russian interference did not affect the outcome of the election the last time the Special Counsel rolled out a junk indictment in February.

Interestingly, Rosenstein also did not name the political parties affected by the ‘hacking’ or ‘interference’….he said to think “patriotically.”

This means Republicans were also victims of the “spear phishing,” however in an effort to make Hillary and the Democrats the perpetual victims, Rosenstein purposely withheld the political affiliations with most of the ‘hacking’ victims.

The timing of this jink indictment also smacks of politics. The President is overseas and is about to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Schumer is already hammering the President over his scheduled meeting with Putin, reports Fox News.

“President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Friday. “Glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy.”


The post Rosenstein: ‘There’s No Allegation Russian Interference Changed the Vote Count or Affected Election Outcome’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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