
The Water Cooler Open Thread- July 31st, 2018: Robots and Gardeners In the Crossfire

- Juli 31, 2018

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday’s Water Cooler, Redstate’s only open thread where Tuesday is dedicated to the culture wars.  Since the stories come hot and heavy each week, I apologize if some items were previously covered. So without further introduction:

Jerk of the Week

Fame can be so fleeting.  One day you’re on the cover of Time and a month later you’ve been swept aside for a 28 year old socialist from the Bronx.  Such is the predicament the prissy prince of Parkland, David Hogg, now finds himself in.  It seems that die-ins and a failed book tour (where he used armed security) haven’t stopped this pimp for gun control from speaking out.  In a Tweet, Boss Hogg said: “These Midterms could be the last election of our lifetime. VOTE.”  Can it be true?  Does Hogg have some inside information?  Is Trump planning to cancel the 2020 elections?  Inquiring minds want to know.

More CNN Failure

Fox News again came in tops for cable news according to Neilsen ratings.  MSNBC fell to third and drew less viewers in prime time than Nickelodeon which features Spongebob Squarepants.  CNN drew 851,000 viewers for its offering of Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper. That was 70,000 less viewers than TLC which features reality shows like “My 600 Pound Life.”  Put another way, Spongebob is more popular than Rachel Maddow.

Beware of Racist Robots

In perhaps the weirdest story this week, the Daily Dot has declared that robots are racist.  They cite the white body of the Jibo robot, Toyota’s T-HR3 and Honda’s Asimo whiteness as examples of this racism among robots.  Also, the humanoid Sophia robot, recently introduced in Saudi Arabia, has white skin…er, metal. It should be noted that all these robots are manufactured by Asian companies.  Is Daily Dot suggesting that Asians are white supremacists?

Beware of Racist Lawn Cutters

A Texas lawn cutting service recently came under attack by an immigrant rights group called Mijente for a flier that advertised they were American owned and use legal workers.  The line that got Mijente fired up: “Your alternative to illegal lawn services.”  The group encourages anonymous people to leave negative Yelp reviews in order to protest against this apparent hate crime of hiring American workers to cut lawns in Texas.

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

In another example that Western civilization is in decline, the iconic St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston is in store for change.  Traditionally organized by South Boston Allied War Veterans Council, they have been shouldered out for 2019 as the reigns of power have been handed to Bryan Bishop, head of a group called OUTVETS which honors veterans of the LGBTQA+ to the power of infinity community.

No word yet on whether leprechauns in ass chaps will march through the streets.

Well, that’s it for this week.  Feel free to comment on these or any other stories of interest.  It is, after all, Redstate’s only daily open thread.

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