
TRUMP Ambassador Brownback Lobbies UK to Release Activist Tommy Robinson

- Juli 14, 2018

US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom and former Kansas governor, Sam Brownback, complained to the British ambassador in Washington DC about the treatment of imprisoned activist Tommy Robinson.

Brownback told the ambassador the UK needed to treat Robinson better or the Trump administration may criticize Britain’s handling of the case.

Reuters reported:

Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, complained to the British ambassador in Washington D.C. about the treatment of an English right-wing activist who is in jail for disrupting a trial, according to three sources familiar with the discussion.

Brownback raised the case of the activist known as Tommy Robinson in a June meeting with Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, according to a British official and two sources close to the organizers of a pro-Robinson demonstration planned for London on Saturday…

…Robinson was arrested in late May outside a courthouse in Leeds, England, while making video recordings about a trial related to child molestation and jailed for 13 months for violating English law limiting publicity during criminal trials.

Brownback raised the jailing of Robinson during a meeting with Darroch that covered a range of “religious freedom issues”, the British official confirmed earlier this week.

Brownback told Darroch that if Britain did not treat Robinson more sympathetically, the Trump administration might be compelled to criticize Britain’s handling of the case, according to the two sources in contact with organizers of the planned pro-Robinson demonstration.

The sources said Robinson’s supporters, who have also been in touch with the Trump administration about the issue, were concerned that he could be attacked by other prisoners.

The post TRUMP Ambassador Brownback Lobbies UK to Release Activist Tommy Robinson appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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