

- Juli 13, 2018

Guest post by Ted Malloch in Britain


President Trump landed in Britain on Thursday and has a closely choreographed “working” visit, avoiding noisy protests. He met CEOs for a black tie dinner at Blenheim Palace, attended military drills at Britain’s equivalent of West Point, lunched with the Prime Minister at her summer country house, Chequers, and will have a formal tea with Queen Elizabeth at Royal Windsor Castle.

Over the weekend Trump will have a private visit to his own golf course in Scotland, Turnberry, where he will play a round with some pros. He will also likely meet his Brexit pal, Nigel Farage, and possibly even debrief with the now departed Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson. It is nothing short of a complete slap in the face to the UK establishment and their weak Prime Minister, Theresa May, who must be in total ‘dismay’ over the entire affair.

May has the unenviable job of making “nice” with someone she doesn’t like. We now know from an exclusive interview Trump gave yesterday with the London tabloid newspaper The Sun, owned by his friend and supporter Rupert Murdock, that Trump not only thinks May blew Brexit but she failed to take his stern advice on now to negotiate and win with the European Union. See: https://ift.tt/2LcgIbH

He basically nixed her whole government and endorsed Boris Johnson, who he frankly said, “would make a great Prime Minister.” In the same interview Trump said a bilateral trade deal with the UK was probably now “impossible” because of its stupid white paper on a soft Brexit that keeps a common rulebook with the EU, the very projectionist, anti-American organization that he utterly detests.

May’s plan to get Trump on board backfired completely. The day before his arrival, US Ambassador to the Court of St. James for the US, Ambassador Woody Johnson, the billionaire heir to the J&J fortune and owner of the NY Jets, Trumps’ man in Great Britain himself more or less intimated the same thing.

Nigel Farage the former and possible returning head of UKIP, said of the visit, “We have a President in Donald Trump who supports Brexit. He has narrowed the gap between our two countries. Now we have squandered the opportunity. A shame.”

The BBC’s top political correspondent summed the situation up well when she worded it this way, “ From the moment of his election Donald Trump was an awkward friend for Theresa May. He runs towards a fight. She does everything in public to avoid one.” See: https://ift.tt/2NNiRfR

The US-UK Special Relationship will survive—it has seen low points before from the Vietnam War to the flak taken by Tony Blair over Iraq. But this time Trump is plowing his way to altogether new places. Unlike Obama, who the Brits still adore as a democratic socialist, who told UK voters they would |go to the back of the queue” if they voted for Brexit, Trump has reversed the argument saying you voted for Brexit and your present leadership is not delivering on it.

As an anti-globalist Trump has literally stuck it to the elite GlobalistRemainer class in Britain. He has sided with the hard Brexit forces and offered a meaningful trade deal that can’t be enacted because ‘Theresa the Appeaser,’ as she is called in Britain or the “Remoaner Prime Minister”, has capitulated to Brussels, the very seat of supranationalism that runs amok of everything Trump stands against.

Maybe the Queen will secretly admire Trump, as she is known to be more than mildly in favor of her country – its glorious past and its future in freedom.

The post TRUMP DRIVES A BULLDOZER THRU THE UK appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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