
TRUMP Rips NBC Hack at Britain Presser: That’s Such Dishonest Reporting, Of Course, It’s NBC (VIDEO)

- Juli 13, 2018


Trump rips NBC reporter during press conference in Buckinghamshire, UK.

NBC White House reporter Kristen Welker attacked President Trump during his press conference in Great Britain on Friday.

Welker trashed President Trump on his trip to Europe so far.

Kristen Welker: President Trump you have spent the week taking on NATO allies, criticizing Prime Minister May on her own soil, and I’m wondering are you giving Russian President Vladimir Putin the upper hand heading into your talks given that you are challenging these alliances he seeks to break up?

President Trump: See that’s such dishonest reporting because, of course it happens to be NBC which is possibly worse than CNN, possibly. Let me explain something, we have left NATO with more money, with more unity, with more spirit than NATO possibly has ever had. We have a strong and powerful NATO. When I became president we didn’t. We had people who weren’t paying their bills, we had people who were way down. We had people who weren’t following their commitments. In addition to that we have become an oil exporter which would not have happened under the past regime, or a new regime if it weren’t us. We have built up our military, $700 billion. And next year, $716 billion. When you look at what we’ve done in terms of Russia, I guarantee you whoever it is in Russia, they’re saying, “Oh gee do we wish that Trump was not the victor in that election.” We have been far tougher on Russia than anybody.

The post TRUMP Rips NBC Hack at Britain Presser: That’s Such Dishonest Reporting, Of Course, It’s NBC (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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