
Turn Your Head and Coffee — Left-Wing Roaster Shuns Border-Friendly Client to the Tune of $40,000

- Juli 29, 2018



What’s one of the worst things you can do?

Be in favor of an enforced American border.

That’s where we are now.

Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters, a San Francisco-based coffee company, gave the big thumbs-down to a $40,000 contract to offer delicious drinks at a Salesforce conference.

And why did they say no to a cool (or hot — presumably, your choice) forty grand?

Because Salesforce has financial ties to the United States Customs and Border Protection agency.

Say it ain’t so! Borders are the devil!

Let there be no America!

Salesforce just wanted some tasty beverages for September’s Dreamforce conference, which they host.

Nick Cho and Trish Rothgeb, owners of Wrecking Ball, were already a ways down the road in negotiations with Salesforce when they got wind that an advocacy group for illegal immigrants refused a $250,000 donation from Salesforce due to its business relationship with CBP.


Wait a second…

So a group whose sole purpose is to fight for people’s right to sneak into the country illegally…

I’m already lost there; I’m surprised a group like that exists…

But moving on…

That group turns down a quarter of a million dollars — money that would help them fight U.S. Customs and Border Protection — because they heard the benefactor has ties to…U.S. Customs and Border Protection?

Wouldn’t that be like the rebels turning down free guns to fight the Empire, because the donor sold guns to the Empire?

Seems a bit self-defeating.

See, here’s what happened: Salesforce — a computer company — announced in November that they’d secured a contract to “modernize [CBP’s] recruiting process” and “manage border activities.”

The dishonestly-named Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services — which is to say, the Illegal Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (please see more of my thoughts on the use of “illegal” here) — gave as its reason for refusing the donation the fact that Salesforce was providing technology for CBP that could ultimately be employed in the separation of illegal alien families. Which is to say, the act of refusing to imprison children.

Do they also turn away donations from Democrats, who were responsible for family separation in the first place (see here)?

Cho perplexingly tweeted what seems to be a virtue-signaled support of illegality:

“Are we going to, as a lot of people do, turn a blind eye and say the world is dirty, nobody’s perfect, or is this a situation where we reject a $40,000 opportunity and make a statement?”

More perplexing: both owners of Wrecking Ball are legal immigrants.

Trish Rothgeb, ladies and gentlemen:

“Business is going to have to be the resistance we want to see. That’s the truth. You can’t get anything done unless business is going to take a stand.”

So, they’re being strong as a business, by refusing to do business, in order to oppose the enforcement of borders…which — ultimately — opposes the preservation of America, which is the country whose capitalistic system allows them to have a business that can be strong in the first place?

Cho and Rothgeb have said they’ll serve the coffee if Salesforce cuts all ties with Cho.

Leverage? Probably not. It’s just coffee. And given their political pursuasion, they probably don’t even have straws (PLEASE see here).

Nevertheless, it’s all about feelings. Just ask Nick Cho:

“It’s a pretty big deal and it’s scary and it feels right.”

Please watch the video below to get a sense of who Nick Cho is. He teaches us about white privilege. The second one is really interesting, too:

I would love your thoughts about the videos, and about the story. Please sound off in the Comments section below.

In case you missed the relevant RedState links in this article, please go herehere, and here.

For something different, check out my pieces on Sam Jackson and milkshakes, Adam Schiff and the interpreter, and Reefer Madness in New York.

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