
BOOM! President Trump Drops BOMB! Google, Facebook and Twitter Censoring of Conservatives “May Not Be Legal” (VIDEO)

- Agustus 30, 2018

It’s no secret that the Silicon Valley tech giants discriminate against conservatives and conservative content.

On Tuesday President Trump warned Google about it’s biased practices against conservatives and conservative content in their search feature.

Google, Twitter and Facebook bias against conservative personalities including President Donald Trump and conservative content is not a secret.

World Net Daily reported on a study that found that despite the tech giant’s claim to be “a fair and balanced arbiter of facts,” a significant percentage of searches produce material that leans politically either to the “left” or the “far left.”

And Facebook has been shutting down traffic to conservative websites since the 2016 election.

On Tuesday the New York Times reported on Facebook engineers admitting to the company’s bias.

Zerohedge picked up on the fact that Facebook engineers “tear down posters welcoming Trump supporters.”

Here at The Gateway Pundit we found that Facebook had eliminated an average of 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.

On Wednesday President Trump told reporters that what the tech giants are doing to conservative, “May not be legal.”

President Trump: With respect to Google and Twitter and Facebook there is a big difference. And in fact I hear that they are holding hearings in Congress over the next couple of weeks and I think it’s a very serious problem because they are really trying to silence a very large part of this country and those people don’t want to be silenced. It’s not right. It’s not fair. It may not be legal. But, we’ll see. We just want fairness.

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