
California Teen Booted From Class for Wearing NRA Shirt

- Agustus 09, 2018

A Lodi, CA high school student was kicked out of class for wearing an NRA shirt in school. She was one of two students disciplined for donning shirts with NRA wording and logos.

The student’s mother, Charlene Craig was outraged and spoke to CBS Sacramento about how the shirts – which depicted the NRA logo and an American flag comprised of shotgun casings – did not violate the school dress code. Furthermore, Craig claims her daughter was treated disrespectfully by the history teacher who raised the issue in class.

The teacher started lecturing the student about why guns are bad, and threatened to make her write an essay if she disagreed with him.

I think he’s there to teach. I don’t think he’s there to discuss his personal beliefs.

Craig says that her daughter has been raised in a family of hunters and farmers and her beliefs are simply a part of their lifestyle. While the shirt did have pictures of casings, it did not show any weapons of any sort. The school district eventually agreed, saying they have reviewed the incident and determined that the Lodi sophomore was not in violation of the dress code.

Craig says she realizes it’s a sensitive topic but says students shouldn’t be punished for the political or personal beliefs of their teachers.

“I am going continue to send my daughter to school in it. I don’t see that there’s a problem.”

Lodi Unified also says it plans to refresh all staff about dress code policies, so this type of incident does not happen again.

The post California Teen Booted From Class for Wearing NRA Shirt appeared first on RedState.


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