
CNN Tries to Recycle An Attack On President Trump That It Used Last Year With Hilarious Results

- Agustus 15, 2018

Last year, CNN lost its crap when President Trump tweeted that an explosion in London was a terrorist attack:

This is what CNN had to say:

But, at least in the early stages of this London investigation, there is no evidence to suggest where the attackers hailed from or what their motives were. All we know, according to British police, is that it is being investigated as a terrorist incident.

Asked about Trump’s tweet that the London tube attack was perpetrated by people known to the security services, British Prime Minister Theresa May said it is “never helpful for anyone to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation.”

It was, of course, by Chris Cillizza who was making the case that a) Trump jumped to conclusions without proof and b) that, actually, a handful of neo-Nazi’s in Charlottesville are more of a threat to the United States than all the people kept out of the US by the travel ban.

As it turned out, it was both a terrorist attack and it was carried out by someone with known to the police for extremist tendencies. So Cillizza was, as usual, proven an idiot.

Now they are right back at it, but their timing stinks.

Earlier today there was another terror attack in London:

The time stamp on that tweet is 7:42 a.m. EDT.

At 9:31 a.m., CNN went on the attack:

The only problem was that at 5:40 a.m. AP had called it a terror attack based on British policy reports.

At 6:17 a.m. London’s mayor called it terrorism.

And it was terrorism.

Will CNN apologize for this? Or course not.

The post CNN Tries to Recycle An Attack On President Trump That It Used Last Year With Hilarious Results appeared first on RedState.


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