
EVEN AFTER LIBERAL MEDIA HELL WEEK–> President Trump’s Approval HIGHER THAN OBAMA at Same Time in His Presidency

- Agustus 25, 2018

Despite the brutal anti-Trump hysterics over the past five days this week including charges against his former campaign manager and personal attorney President Trump’s approval rating continues to hold.

President Trump’s approval rating is currently at 46% on Rasmussen Reports.

Media darling Barack Obama had an approval rating of 45% on August 24, 2010.

President Trump is still one point ahead of Barack Obama at a similar point in his presidency.

And this is while 90% of network media coverage has been negative of President Trump.

And this is while the media ran a impeachment cheers for the past three days of reporting.

If President Trump had just 50% positive coverage by the liberal media his approval numbers would be in the 60’s.

The post EVEN AFTER LIBERAL MEDIA HELL WEEK–> President Trump’s Approval HIGHER THAN OBAMA at Same Time in His Presidency appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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