On Wednesday Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey defended the company’s decision to put Infowars founder Alex Jones in a seven-day “timeout”. Dorsey said, “I feel any suspension, whether it be a permanent or a temporary one, makes someone think about their actions and their behaviors,” Dorsey said.
As Jack Dorsey lectures on appropriate actions and behavior it is worth noting that Jack Dorsey attended the anti-police Ferguson mass protests in August 2014 for several days.
Jack flew to St. Louis to attend the protests in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014 after protesters torched and destroyed several local businesses.
Dorsey praised the violent protest movement in Ferguson, Missouri that was all based on a lie.
Jack Dorsey attended the protests for several days.
Jack handed out roses in Ferguson.
STL native and @twitter co-founder @jack passing out roses to demonstrators on w florissant #Ferguson pic.twitter.com/eHclLN2wv0
— Elise Hu (@elisewho) August 19, 2014
The post FLASHBACK: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Attends Ferguson Anti-Cop Black Lives Matter Protests for Several Days appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.