On Tuesday the Special Counsel pushed back General Mike Flynn’s sentencing hearing once again to September 17th.
Mueller’s last delay was issued on July 10th and the Special Counsel had until August 24th to file a new status report.
And here we are once again with another delay…
Via Washington Examiner reporter Kelly Cohen: robert mueller’s team has again delayed michael flynn’s sentencing hearing, which means he is likely still cooperating with the special counsel. next update will be 9/17.
NEW – robert mueller’s team has again delayed michael flynn’s sentencing hearing, which means he is likely still cooperating with the special counsel. next update will be 9/17. pic.twitter.com/ci2UYeDBxo
— kelly cohen (@politiCOHEN_) August 21, 2018
In June, Mueller delayed the sentencing of Mike Flynn a third time due to ‘status of the investigation.’
General Flynn was targeted by Obama’s corrupt Deep State law enforcement agencies with illegal unmaskings and leaks to the media.
Deep state operatives Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of Trump official. Typically, a lawyer for the National Security Council would be informed of such a meeting and be present for it. The unannounced meeting took General Flynn by surprise.
General Michael Flynn was later charged with lying by the Mueller team.
Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) recently said there is growing evidence the FBI altered their 302 summaries of witness interviews in both the Clinton investigation and early on in the Russia investigation [General Flynn ambush].
Senate investigators suspect McCabe altered his 302 notes on General Flynn and have referred the matter to Inspector General Horowitz.
To make matters worse, dirty cops McCabe and Comey cleared Sally Yates to use Peter Strzok’s altered 302 summary report of the interrogation with General Flynn to brief White House Counsel and pressure Flynn’s firing.
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton said, “In a transparent attempt to pretend collusion investigation is ongoing, Flynn sentencing delayed again by Mueller Special Counsel operation. General Flynn should be pardoned by President Trump. Shut it down.”
In a transparent attempt to pretend collusion investigation is ongoing, Flynn sentencing delayed again by Mueller Special Counsel operation. General Flynn should be pardoned by @RealDonaldTrump. Shut it down. https://t.co/NJfEM1gH1t
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 21, 2018
September 17th is also the same day the Manafort trial in D.C. begins. It is going to be a very busy Autumn in D.C.
The post JUST IN: Mueller Delays Sentencing Hearing for General Mike Flynn AGAIN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.