
Manafort Faces 300 Yrs Prison Time For Being Trump’s Campaign Manager — While Jihadis at Child Terrorist Training Camp Released on Signature Bond

- Agustus 15, 2018

Law enforcement bows to Sharia law, allows Muslim women to take mugshots wearing hijabs

Mueller’s prosecutors rested their case Monday, day 10 of the bank fraud and tax evasion trial against Paul Manafort playing out in an Alexandria, VA courtroom.

Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort faces 305 years in prison if convicted on all 18 counts.

Manafort would not be facing 305 years in prison if not for his association with Donald Trump.

The corrupt Obama-appointed judge Amy Berman Jackson threw Manafort into solitary confinement while he awaited his trial even though he posted an $11.65 million bail package–that’s right, a non-violent 69-year-old man was thrown into prison before his trial.

In contrast, 5 Muslims who set up a terrorist training camp in New Mexico were released on bond by a judge.

This is happening in the United States while Americans watch in horror.

Muslim Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was arrested earlier this month at a terrorist compound in New Mexico.
Wahhaj was training children to commit mass shootings at US schools.

Siraj ibn Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

New Mexico police entered a dangerous Islamist terrorist camp in New Mexico this month after they grew tired of FBI stalling.

According to the Albuquerque Journal Judge Sarah Backus released the five defendants, Siraj Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, Subhannah Wahhaj, Jany Leveille, and Lucas Morten, on a $20,000 “signature bond.”

That means that the defendants found living on a makeshift terrorist training compound with 11 malnourished children and another child found murdered will not have to pay money unless they violate the conditions of their release.

Judge Sarah Backus said the state did not prove the jihadis were a danger to the community.

Furthermore, the three Muslim women were allowed to wear their hijabs in their mugshots–why are we bowing to Sharia law? Why were these women allowed to cover their hair and most of their faces while they sat for their mugshots?

Islamic terrorists are treated better than people associated with Donald Trump in this country–that should alarm every American.

The post Manafort Faces 300 Yrs Prison Time For Being Trump’s Campaign Manager — While Jihadis at Child Terrorist Training Camp Released on Signature Bond appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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