Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer members, Bikers for Trump and others attended a Patriot rally in Seattle on Saturday, and as expected, masked Antifa thugs showed up.
The Proud Boys did not back down. At one point, one of the Proud Boys unmasked a cowardly Antifa thug and mocked him.
Seattle police eventually arrested several Antifa thugs.
Antifa and other leftist protesters began instigating after they followed a few Proud Boys into a restaurant in downtown Seattle called “Juno.”
Counteprotesters followed proud boys into a local restaurant called Juno.
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
The bartender explains to the Proud Boys and Antifa that everyone can stay in Juno so long as they remain civil. Seattle Police officers are also inside the restaurant to make sure things stay civil, reported, Mike Bivins.
It’s like I’m in a movie. Bartender explains to proud boys and antifa that everyone can stay in Juno so long as they remain civil. Seattle PD is here too. #Alloutaugust
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
Proud Boys left Juno and a little verbal back-and-forced followed after a Proud Boy yanked off the Antifa thug’s mask! (language warning)
Notice the Antifa coward did NOTHING after he was unmasked and mocked.
Proud Boys have left Juno. Altercation between Proud Boys and masked antifascist counterprotester. PB pulled down the other person’s bandana. #AllOutAugust #Seattle
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
Seattle police are starting to get involved (language warning)
Seattle police getting aggressive as Proud Boys and Antifa bicker
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
All hell broke loose after a few dozen police officers on bikes rushed over to arrest several Antifa thugs.
VIDEO: Seattle PD making a hard arrest of the black man who was with the antifa group who followed the proud boys into that Seattle restaurant. #AllOutPDX
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
Antifa thug arrested after a fight left a conservative activist bloodied.
Scuffle: a masked counterprotester is arrested and a right-winger’s face is bloodied. #AllOutPDX
— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 18, 2018
The left always falsely accuses the Proud Boys of being racists when in reality they are patriotic American men from all walks of life.
Twitter recently banned all Proud Boys accounts including founder Gavin McInnes.
After the Twitter bans, McInnes told the Gateway Pundit that “the dumbasses on the left are saying we were banned ‘before Unite the Right rally.’ I clearly disavowed that. It’s not our bag.”
In fact, the day before his suspension McInnes tweeted, “it goes without saying the Proud Boys won’t have anything to do with this. We are a multiracial club that eschews the alt-right and everything they and #occupyWallStreet’s Jason Kessler stand for. He’s a DNC operative.”
The post MAYHEM IN SEATTLE: Police Toss Antifa Around, Make Arrests After They Harass and Threaten Conservative Group in Restaurant (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.