
Not The Sci-Fi Channel: Space Force Is Really Happening

- Agustus 09, 2018

It sounds like an upcoming Hollywood summer blockbuster, but it’s actually really happening. In real life. For real.

Space Force is coming.

Vice President Mike Pence, who has become something of a spokesperson for the effort, is expected to discuss details of the new branch of the military — the first in over 70 years — on Thursday at 11:15 am from the Pentagon. Pence’s meeting with Pentagon officials will flesh out specifics of the recently unveiled Space Policy Direct — 3.

Space Policy Directive — 3 [which the president signed in June] is primarily focused on satellite traffic management and mitigating debris in space. The policy, executive secretary of the National Space Council Scott Pace told reporters, “seeks to address the challenges of a congested space environment.”
“If we’re going to expand the economy in space, we need to make sure it’s done in a sustainable way,” Pace said.
For the private sector’s space activity, the primary effect of the policy is “more rapid and more accurate information on where they can launch,” as well as “flexibility in launch windows,” and satellites having “more time to put toward revenue-generating activities rather than maneuvering” to avoid collision risks, Pace said.
Pence’s meeting at the Pentagon comes just as Congress is set to receive briefing materials on what the Department of Defense is doing as it relates to Trump’s desire to create the newest military branch.

Vice President Pence will reportedly meet with officials at the Pentagon on Thursday to talk about President Trump’s proposed Space Force.

A source with the vice president’s office confirmed to The Hill that Pence will discuss the future of the Space Force during the visit.

CNN first reported that Pence, who chairs the president’s space council, will stop by the Pentagon around the same time the Department of Defense is expected to release a report on its space-related operations to Congress.

At a press gaggle Tuesday, reporters confirmed with Defense Secretary James Mattis that the effort to provide military support in space is one borne of concerns for both warfighting and potential economic and trade dominance.

Q:  Mr. Secretary, do you — do you support establishing a new combatant command for space?

SEC. MATTIS:  Yes, absolutely.  We need to address space as a developing warfighting domain and a combatant command is certainly one thing that we can — we can establish.  This is a process we’re in.

We are in complete alignment with the president’s concern about protecting our assets in space that contribute to our security, to our economy.  And we’re going to have to address it as other countries show a capability to attack those assets.

Q:  But is that going to be the same as establishing a separate service, as the president has…

SEC. MATTIS:  We — we are working our way through all this.  We are in complete agreement.  The vice president is the — the — kind of the point man for the president on this.  We are working closely daily with his office and with supporters on Capitol Hill and the relevant committees.

So we’re working up what that actual organization will look like, it’ll be fit for purpose is what I can assure you.  But I don’t — I don’t have all the final answers yet, we’re still putting that together.

And there you have it. No word yet on if the new military members will be known as Starship Troopers.

The post Not The Sci-Fi Channel: Space Force Is Really Happening appeared first on RedState.


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