
Rudy Giuliani: Mueller Is Panicking – They Know They Don’t Have a Case (VIDEO)

- Agustus 19, 2018

Rudy Giuliani joined Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night to discuss the latest developments in the Mueller witch hunt.

Rudy says Mueller and his gang of angry Democrats are panicking because they don’t have anything.

Judge Jeanine: Who would plant a story or a suggestion or create an effort to legitimize a claim that McGahn’s trying to take the fall. What does it tell you? Does it tell you that the New York Times is making stuff up and is fake news? Does it tell you that Mueller is starting to panic and is starting to get McGahn to work with him?

Rudy Giuliani: (Laughing)

Judge Jeanine: Who is this? What’s going on?

Rudy Giuliani: I think the best analysis would be that the Mueller team is panicking. They know they don’t have a case. There is no collusion. There is no obstruction. They can’t prove it and they are trying to get the president to testify.

Via Judge Jeanine:

The post Rudy Giuliani: Mueller Is Panicking – They Know They Don’t Have a Case (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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