
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: the Press ‘Refused’ to Give Omarosa a Platform When She was Pro-Trump

- Agustus 15, 2018



In case you haven’t heard: anyone who’s with Donald Trump is a joke and should be ignored; anyone who’s against Donald Trump is substantial and should be listened to.

If the two people listed above happen to be the same person, the rules still apply. Case in point: Omarosa Manigault Newman.

When she was in the White House, she was inconsequential — a reality show contestant and no one to be acknowledged. The President is racist, remember? So any black person with whom he chooses to affiliate is to be overlooked in order to continue that narrative. But then, holy COW — she turned on Trump. Time to stick the microphones in her face and play “Celebration” about such a Great American. And a strong woman, to boot!

Given Omarosa’s risen prominence, the press hit White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Tuesday with a bevy of questions about the former Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison, who has a brand new book of touted incriminating info on the Pres, about which an Entertainment Weekly review is titled “Omarosa’s Memoir Marks a New Peak in Disgrace.”

One journalist asked Sanders why the White House is addressing the former staffer’s tell-all:

“What is the strategy in continuing to respond to the charges in this book? Why doesn’t [Trump] just ignore it?”

Sarah, who’s proven to be quite quick on her feet, gave the following response:

“I think all — not only those of us here in the White House, but frankly, I think most of America would be happy to ignore it, but unfortunately the individuals in this room continue to create a large platform for somebody they know not to have a lot of credibility, for someone they frankly refused to give a platform to when they worked here at the White House.”

Sounds about right.

Then, to my point:

“It wasn’t until this individual started to negatively attack this president and this administration and try to tear this entire place down that she received the type of platform and roll-out that she’s getting. I think it would be great if every single person in this room and every single person in the administration never had to talk about this again, and we actually got to focus on the real policies and the real things that not matter [sic] just to people in this building, but certainly all Americans. … I think that would be the best thing that we could…do for our country.”

Seems like a good idea. The Left isn’t likely to share Sarah’s view, but thanks to our 17-minute news cycle, The Apprentice’s Season 1 villain — like AR-15 outrage and border detention mania — will soon go the way of the dodo bird, in accordance with that unyielding truth, “This too shall pass.”


Thank you for reading!

For something totally different, please check out my coverage of Donald Trump’s star on the (gross) Hollywood Walk of Fame, Beavis and Butt-Head and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and a pistol-wielding grandma.

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The post Sarah Huckabee Sanders: the Press ‘Refused’ to Give Omarosa a Platform When She was Pro-Trump appeared first on RedState.


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