
Stormy Daniels Will Appear in the Next ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ UK

- Agustus 13, 2018

Stormy Daniels visits a local restaurant in downtown New Orleans, Wednesday, May 6, 2009. Daniels, an adult film star, is exploring the possibility of challenging incumbent Louisiana U.S. Sen. David Vitter when Vitter stands for re-election. (AP Photo/Bill Haber)

With the election of Donald Trump, American politics has become one giant, surreal reality show.

Our first official “reality show” President has spawned a derangement among his opponents that has risen to the level of overdramatic reality show theatrics. Quite a few people have made quite a lot of money from those theatrics.

After being roundly criticized for her “bloody head Trump stunt”, Kathy Griffin has launched a new comedy tour based entirely on her experiences around the issue. Knitted p****y hats have been earning money for groups from the Women’s March to Planned Parenthood. Omarosa Manigault is only a thing because of Donald Trump’s reality show. She has a book based on her short-lived experience in the Trump White House (which has already been ridiculed by nearly everyone on both sides of the political spectrum).

And one porn star/stripper who claims she was paid to keep silent about an affair with President Trump is now making hundreds of thousands of dollars in appearances and “performances” around the globe. Stormy Daniels first threw herself into the spotlight by insisting that she was a feminist who cared about taking down the “predator” in the Oval Office. She was a heroine, a fighter, a principled woman who just wanted the truth to come out.

Now, Daniels will be going on to solidify her reputation as a modern feminist heroine by appearing on Celebrity Big Brother UK. The popular British show seemingly confirmed Daniels’ involvement in a video tweet that announced a special “weather report” and a “storm coming from across the Atlantic”.

The British reality show is set to launch it’s 16th and final season on August 16th.

Surely this is the last step in Daniels’ heretofore unfulfilled promise of becoming a feminist icon and once and for all exposing Donald Trump as the Donald Trump he’s seemingly always been since anyone had ever heard of Donald Trump in the first place.

Good luck with that storm, UK! Be careful, it blows a lot.

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