
SWAMP. Claire McCaskill’s Family Made Over $130 MILLION in Govt. Subsidies Since She’s Been in DC

- Agustus 20, 2018

$131,000 Million

In July The Kansas City Star reported on how businesses tied to Claire McCaskill’s family received $131 MILLION in federal dollars since she’s been in Washington DC.

In an interview with Politically Speaking, Claire McCaskill complained about TV ads informing Missouri voters that their Senator has made millions off of taxpayer subsidized housing, calling them “incredibly false.”

But it’s unclear exactly what McCaskill takes issue with. Does she dispute the Kansas City Star’s reporting that her husband’s low-income housing businesses have received $131 million in taxpayer subsidies since she took office? Or perhaps she’s disputing the same report’s assertion that her husband’s income from the companies receiving those subsidies has “grown exponentially during his wife’s two terms in the Senate.”

Since McCaskill was unable to refute either claim when the story was written, has she found some new evidence that they are false?

Here’s the audio:


Kansas City Star: “Businesses Linked To McCaskill’s Husband Get $131 Million In Federal Dollars” (Kelsey Ryan And Lindsay Wise, “Businesses Linked To McCaskill’s Husband Get $131 Million In Federal Dollars,” Kansas City Star, 7/24/18)

During McCaskill’s Senate Tenure, Businesses Tied To Her Husband Have Received More Than $131 Million In Federal Subsidies. “Businesses tied to U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband have been awarded more than $131 million in federal subsidies since the Missouri Democrat took office in 2007, an analysis by The Kansas City Star found.” (Kelsey Ryan And Lindsay Wise, “Businesses Linked To McCaskill’s Husband Get $131 Million In Federal Dollars,” Kansas City Star, 7/24/18)

Kansas City Star: “Joseph Shepard’s Personal Income From His Investments In Those Businesses Has Grown Exponentially During His Wife’s Two Terms In The Senate.” (Kelsey Ryan And Lindsay Wise, “Businesses Linked To McCaskill’s Husband Get $131 Million In Federal Dollars,” Kansas City Star, 7/24/18)

The post SWAMP. Claire McCaskill’s Family Made Over $130 MILLION in Govt. Subsidies Since She’s Been in DC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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