
‘Trump’s Space Force’ Comic Book Aims to Reach ‘Underserved’ Right Wing Audience, Raises 300% of Funding Goal

- Agustus 17, 2018

An exciting new comic book about President Trump’s Space Force has raised 300% of its original funding goal by serving the right-wing audience that has been widely rejected by the mainstream entertainment industry.

Artist Brett R. Smith, who also worked on the wildly popular graphic novel Clinton Cash and the children’s book Thump: The First Bundred Days, spoke to The Gateway Pundit about what fans can expect from his exciting new venture.

Smith said that Trump’s Space Force will be a 40-page “high octane, kinetic thrill ride blending over-the-top science fiction action adventure with political satire and humor. It is heavily influenced by some of our favorite sci-fi movies like Independence Day, Aliens, Starship Troopers and also has some classic 80’s anime influences like Robotech and Starblazers. The story involves a malevolent threat from beyond the stars which has infiltrated the upper echelons of world governments. Their purpose: to prepare Earth for invasion. President Trump & the United States Space Force get word of this threat and they take action to combat the threat head on.”

The campaign has had massive success, and even Donald Trump Jr. has tweeted about it, which Smith described as a “great honor.”

“It’s really something special when you have the President’s son give support to a project like this,” Smith said.

Don Jr. will also have a cameo in the comic along with this author (which I am extremely honored by), Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Newt Gingrich, Scott Adams, Charles Payne, Alex Jones, Terry Schappert, Lisa DePasquale, Martina Markota, Jack Posobiec and many others.

When asked what inspired them to create this comic, Smith said that with the success of Thump and Clinton Cash, he realized he wanted to continue to fight the culture war by creating pop culture for young people and anyone who happens to be “center-right.” He explained that “the entertainment industry as a whole ignores that audience and even has open contempt for them. The audience I’m talking about is the average Trump voter or the ‘MAGA Audience’ as I like to call it – which is an underserved audience.”

Smith explained that with Trump’s Space Force, they wanted to produce something just for Trump voters, “because that audience wants to be entertained and have a good time like everyone else.” With the culture war raging, he pointed out that we need to have some culture to offer, not just policy ideas.

“Its like Michael Jordan famously said, ‘Republicans buy sneakers too.’ Also with the Space Force being a real new branch of the military it seemed like a great opportunity to work with Chuck Dixon, Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini again and do some fun sci-fi action adventure laced with political satire and parody,” Smith said. “And to a larger point you can fight a Culture War if you don’t produce culture of your own. The Right seems to forget that and spends most of their time on policy and that has to stop if we want to connect with young people and win the Culture War.”

As many comic book fans have noticed and complained about, Marvel has gone headfirst into Social Justice Warrior lunacy. We asked Smith if he thought this has helped to create a bigger market for comics geared towards the right.

“Absolutely,” Smith said. “This all ties into the underserved audience I mentioned before. With so much of entertainment like movies, tv and even comics ignoring and abandoning not only the Trump voters but also nearly all of middle America in trade for what they would call a more ‘diverse’ audience which skews Left and serves the SJW agenda they leave a giant vacuum within entertainment. Someone needs to fill that vacuum and produce content for this underserved audience and produce content catered specifically for them. I first saw this audience with Clinton Cash Graphic Novel, then again with Thump, again within the Comicsgate movement with books like Jawbreakers and now again with Trump’s Space Force. This is a large audience who are starving for entertainment and they have money to spend if the entertainment is authentic, promotes Western Culture and Western Values and is equal to or greater than what the Left would produce as far as quality.”

There is currently eight days left of their funding campaign, where fans can snag some really cool merch perks for helping to finance the project.

The post ‘Trump’s Space Force’ Comic Book Aims to Reach ‘Underserved’ Right Wing Audience, Raises 300% of Funding Goal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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