The Left is harshing its own mellow.
You may (or may not) have heard of the Orgy Dome.
At the annual music/art/culture/weirdo festival Burning Man, held in the Black Rock Desert of northwest Nevada, the O.D. is world of freedom wherein, according to the Reno Gazette Journal, you can “play touch, and get to know each other in an intimate fashion.”
Geez. Maybe in the climate of #MeToo, an orgy dome isn’t the best idea. Says the RGJ:
“The Burner community has long been talking about consent, but Burners on the front line of the discussion will admit that the Burner community is struggling with issues of sexual harassment, and sometimes worse issues, as much as the rest of the world. Now perhaps more than ever.”
I’m assuming the fact that consent has needed to be long-talked about is due to the fact that, often, consent is not respected.
Indeed, here’s a description for ya:
“At camps all over the temporary city, there are opportunities to learn how to flog a partner during ‘open dungeon play’ or get sponged in a ‘human body wash.’ Burners can also get a ‘naughty nude portrait’ or a print of their privates in the traditional Japanese method of Gyotaku.”
And who’s attending this 80,000-strong yearly home of the Orgy Dome?
“‘The people showing up now, the newbies, a large percentage of those people, they’re not reading the guidelines,’ said Tex Allen, a 13-year Burner who offers hugs at the event as part of his ‘Hug Church.'”
Good ol’ 13-year-old Tex.
Here’s a real beaut for ya:
“Burning Man’s on-site Sexual Assault Services department receives between five and 20 reports of alleged sexual assault each year, according to Burning Man spokesman Jim Graham.”
The function has to offer a Sexual Assault Service.
I guess some male attendees make the mistake of assuming completely naked women don’t necessarily want to be touched?
“Many of the reports involve leering or grabbing, which are not considered sexual assault under Nevada law.”
Wait — leering???? That means looking. Nuts are walking around naked and then going to the Sexual Assault Service to report that someone was looking at them????
Either way, thank goodness for Burning Man’s Bureau of Erotic Discourse.
“The bureau, or B.E.D., was founded in 2005 after a woman was sexually assaulted at Burning Man the year prior, according to (Director Donna Rae) Watson. Some people within the Burning Man community wanted to keep the issue hush hush, Watson said, so a group of people formed the participant-run bureau. It is not part of the Burning Man organization.”
B.E.D. is spreading the word:
“The camp has since enlisted hundreds of volunteers over the years to tape posters inside Porta Potties. The posters define consent and invite attendees to engage in conversations about it. It’s one of the most effective ways to communicate because almost everyone uses the public toilets during the weeklong festivities, Watson says.”
Right. Because “consent” needs to be defined. And, more importantly, I don’t know about you, but one of the places I most pause to consider ideas is a 2ft x 2ft Porta Potty at a hippie festival comprised of 80,000 deodorantless, tent-sleeping bohemians on a diet they’re not used to. It’s a good place to hang out and think.
Will the Orgy Dome be around next year? Who knows. On August 26th, it’ll be up and runnin’. All the way through September 3rd. So if you’re feelin’ frisky, have at it. But watch out for the naked 13-year-olds — they don’t necessarily wanna be looked at. And enjoy reading in the Porta Potties. While you’re at it, maybe you can use your phone to check out some of my articles.
Thank you for reading! What do you think of all of this? Have you attended Burning Man? What was your impression? Please let us know in the Comments section below.
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The post You Were Leered At While Naked at the Hug Church? #MeToo! — Burning Man’s Orgy Dome Comes into Question appeared first on RedState.