
Anonymous Embedded #NeverTrumper Conspiring Against Trump Is Losing BIGLY — Here Are the Numbers

- September 08, 2018

On Wednesday The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed supposedly written by a senior Trump administration official.

The author who insists he is a senior official inside the Trump administration claims he is conspiring against Trump for the claimed good of the country.

The liberal mainstream media cheered the courage of the saboteur.

President Trump later slammed the New York Times and the anonymous coward working to bring down his administration.

If you take a look at the facts the anonymous coward is failing miserably to destroy the Trump administration.

President Trump is succeeding beyond expectations.

President Trump has now been in office a year and a half and the economic results of his efforts are astounding!  In every economic measurement, President Trump’s economy is on fire and moving in the right direction.

The main stream media (MSM) and Democrat Party continue to smear the current President with the fake Russia collusion narrative. But they are being more dishonest in not sharing the truth about President Trump’s many economic accomplishments.

US Stock Markets

In President Trump’s first year and a half since the election and since his inauguration the US Stock Markets reached record highs and millions of Americans are benefiting in their retirement savings accounts.

Since President Trump’s election the DOW daily closing stock market average has risen as much as 44%. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – in January the DOW reached heights of over 26,500.).

On February 28th, 2017, President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for the most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!

Under President Trump the DOW set the record for the fastest 500 point increase between major milestones when it reached 26,000 on January 17th. It only took 6 days to increase 500 points from 25,500.  As a matter of fact, since President Trump’s election the DOW has set records for the fastest 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 point increases in the DOW’s history!

2017 was the best year ever for the DOW. It increased more points than ever in its history (4,956) and it reached more all-time highs (71) than any year in history!

Every US stock index has reached all-time highs during the Trump Presidency.  The Russell 2000 is currently only 7 points from the highest levels ever (1,603 on May 10, 2018 and record is 1,610 in January 2018).

Corporate Earnings

We are experiencing the best quarterly results increase from one year to the next in US history.  Marketwatch reported in early May that the first quarter’s earnings are the best in a quarter century –

According to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S, of the 343 companies, or about 70%, of S&P 500 members that have reported earnings to date, 79.9% have reported earnings per share that were above analysts’ expectations, putting the season on track for the highest earnings beat rate on record, going back to 1994.

So far, the first-quarter growth rate for EPS is 22%, compared with consensus earnings growth of 16.3% as of April 12, according to Lindsey Bell, investment strategist at CFRA. That outperformance is underpinned by some of the most highly valued companies, including JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPM, -0.50% Apple Inc. AAPL, -0.44% Facebook Inc. FB, -0.32% and Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, -0.36%

Bell said recent quarterly results have seen outperformance of about 3 to 4 percentage points better than analysts’ consensus estimates on average, compared with the 5.7 percentage points earnings are currently running ahead.

US Debt

As of May 1st, 2018, President Trump has increased the US Debt since his inauguration by $1.1 Trillion or 5.5%.

But this is less than half of President Obama’s increase in the US debt in his first year and a quarter ($2.3 Trillion or 21.8%).

US GDP at an all-time high.  Also, the debt to GDP rate is declining.  When Obama took over the Presidency in 2008 the US debt to GDP ratio was 68% but after eight years the ratio increased to 105%.  In his first year in 2017 President Trump decreased the ratio to 103.7%.  This means that under President Trump the GDP is growing faster than the debt.  This was the most the debt to GDP ratio decreased in any President’s first year in 50 years.

The US had a surplus in April which was the greatest one month surplus in the country’s history.  The Washington Times reported –

The federal government took in a record tax haul in April en route to its biggest-ever monthly budget surplus, the Congressional Budget Office said, as a surging economy left Americans with more money in their paychecks — and this more to pay to Uncle Sam.

All told the government collected $515 billion and spent $297 billion, for a total monthly surplus of $218 billion. That swamped the previous monthly record of $190 billion, set in 2001.

CBO analysts were surprised by the surplus, which was some $40 billion more than they’d guessed at less than a month ago.

Analysts said they’ll have a better idea of what’s behind the surge as more information rolls in, but for now said it looks like individual taxpayers are paying more because they have higher incomes.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President Trump has added nearly 3 million jobs since January of 2017 (2.793 million). President Obama on the other hand lost nearly 5 million jobs in his first year and a quarter in office for an 8 million job difference!

President Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming back.


Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President Trump decreased unemployment to its current level of 3.9%. The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8%.

President Obama on the other hand again moved in the opposite direction. In his first year and a quarter as President the US unemployment rate increased from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.9% as of April 2010. The unemployment rate during this time reached as high as 10%.

Jobless claims are at a 49 year low.  On May 10, 2018 Marketwatch reported –

The number of people who applied for U.S. unemployment benefits in early May stood at 211,000 for the second straight week, keeping initial jobless claims near a 49-year low.

Unemployment is at a near 20 year low at 3.9%. Rueters reported –

The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 3.9 percent, a low not seen since the dot-com bubble.

Food Stamps

Food stamps decreased significantly as reported by Breitbart from 42 million down to 40 million during President Trump’s time in office.

More than 2.2 million people have discontinued their participation in food stamps during President Trump’s first full year in office, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data on food stamp enrollment.

Decrease in Regulations

One of the first things that President Trump did in office was to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in place during the Obama era. In January President Trump signed his 2 for 1 executive order mandating that for every new regulation, two regulations needed to be revoked. Even far left Politico noted that significant federal regulations since Trump’s inauguration have slowed to an almost total halt.

Regulations cost Americans and American companies money to implement and maintain. Reducing or halting regulations allows companies to spend their money on more prudent money making areas.

All This and More

ISIS destroyed

Largest tax cut ever

US energy independent

Approval rating over 50%

Conservative Judge in Supreme Court

Three American captives freed from North Korea

Korean Peace treaty

And on and on and on…..To date the US is very blessed to have the current President – Donald Trump – in office.

In Summary

Overall based on the above data it is clear that President Trump is doing a solid, if not excellent job.  The mainstream liberal media won’t report this, but when looking at the economy, President Trump the billionaire businessman has set the economy on fire.

The post Anonymous Embedded #NeverTrumper Conspiring Against Trump Is Losing BIGLY — Here Are the Numbers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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