Guest post by Joe Hoft
The Deep State is breaking up. It’s each man and woman for themselves as their Coup d’etat starts to unravel!
(Lisa Page arriving for her Congressional Hearing with a smile. Was she happy about the chance to throw DOJ Deep State participants under the bus?)
Rod Rosenstein has been acting as Attorney General since Jeff Sessions recused himself from his duties after he was sworn in. Rosenstein signed a FISA warrant to spy on Trump in June 2017, after appointing Robert Mueller as Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.
Yesterday it was reported by the far-left New York Times, based on a tip from one of their many dirty sources from the DOJ or FBI, that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year spoke with DOJ and FBI officials about wearing a wire and secretly recording President Trump to be able to build a case that Trump is unfit to hold office.
According to the Times, DAG Rosenstein began plotting Trump’s removal shortly after FBI Director Comey was fired. James Comey was fired on May 9th, 2017 and DAG Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia collusion a week later.
Shortly after the New York Times released its report, former FBI Acting Director, Andrew McCabe made a statement through his lawyer Michael Bromwich–he did not deny The NY Times report.
“Andrew McCabe drafted memos to memorialize significant discussions he had with some high level officials and preserved them so he would have an accurate contemporaneous record of those discussions. When he was interviewed by the Special Counsel more than a year ago, he gave all of his memos — classified and unclassified — to the Special Counsel’s office,” Michael Bromwich said in an email.
“A set of those memos remained at the FBI at the time of his departure in late January 2018. He has no knowledge of how any mention of the media obtained those memos,” Bromwich added.
Rosenstein denied the claim in a memo released to the press. However, New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt tweeted out late on Friday the NY Times learned since their first report that Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire a SECOND TIME!
UPDATE: We’ve learned that on a second occasion, Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire. This was in addition to the earlier instance of him raising the idea of either him or FBI officials wearing recording devices for when they see Trump w/@adamgoldmanNYT
— Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) September 21, 2018
Former FBI leaders Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page were both mentioned by Schmidt in tweets yesterday related to his report along with Rosenstein. It’s not surprising that they are all noted along with this leak.
In the DOJ OIG McCabe report released in April 2018 it was clear that the DOJ had made a decision to throw McCabe under the bus. They did so in a leak about his wife’s connections to the Hillary Clinton campaign and his conflicts of interest in being involved in her email scandal case. In response, McCabe leaked a report to the media that the DOJ tried to shut down the Clinton Foundation case but by doing this confirmed to the public that the investigation was in place.
The DOJ and FBI have a precedent for throwing each other under the bus. Looks like this cat fight is just starting!
The post As Their Coup d’etat Begins to Unravel – Deep State Participants Open Fire on Each Other appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.