Ted Cruz’s Challenger, Beto O’Rourke has made a name for himself by saying that he can think of “nothing more American” than kneeling during the National Anthem. We can now add stripping American flags from a VFW hall to things he thinks are good.
According to the Examiner, O’Rourke’s campaign had rented out a Veteran of Foreign Affairs Hall for a campaign rally in Navasota, TX, and requested that the VFW Post 4006 Commander Carl Dry take down the American flags in his building ahead of the event.
From the Navasota Examiner:
“I do not normally attend rental events, but I attended Saturday to make sure things ran smoothly,” said Dry, who noted there were only two requests he could not allow at the VFW Post. “They wanted to open the doors (to the Flight Deck Lounge) and I couldn’t allow that and they wanted to take the flags down, I didn’t only say no, I said hell no, you don’t take the flags off the wall. I can’t believe any American would ask us to do that and I don’t know why he wanted them down or what he was going to put up instead.”
This is an interesting turn of events, but not a surprising one. O’Rourke is increasingly revealed to be a hard-leftist by all accounts, and the fact that he wants to take the flags down signals that he wants more than just leftists to feel comfortable at his rally. O’Rourke’s stances on considering illegal immigrants “members of our community” and his stance that he’s open to abolishing ICE can lead one to conclude that some of the people he’d like feeling comfortable there aren’t even American.
If O’Rourke does have any enthusiasm for this country or any respect for the veterans who sacrificed everything for this country, he’s sure not showing it by praising the disrespect of the country and asking for the removal of its symbol from his rallies.
(h/t: The Resurgent)
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