Sen. Chuck Grassley offered a fifth extension to Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christina Blasey Ford, in an effort to agree to testify and address the accusations of sexual assault and fear for her life she alleges the judge did to her in the early 1980’s.
As I wrote previously, the confirmation vote is on the schedule for Monday at 10 a.m. Unless Blasey and her attorney agrees to testify, the vote will go forward as planned.
Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) September 22, 2018
Judge Kavanaugh I just granted another extension to Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w the statement she made last week to testify to the senate She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) September 22, 2018
Grassley followed up the tweets offering the extension making it clear Sen. Chuck Schumer is to blame for the continuing charade.
With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) September 22, 2018
How much longer can this go on?
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There’s No Way Christine Ford is Seeking Revenge With Kavanaugh Over Her Parent’s House
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