
“Coming Out” – Victim of Child Sexual Assault and Rape Wants Kavanaugh Accuser Held Accountable

- September 23, 2018

Reader Linda weighs in on the Christine Ford accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.
I am reposting her letter with permission.

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My name is Linda. I was sexually assaulted when I was 6 years old. I remember exactly where I was, what time it was, where it happened. I remember the furnishings in my home. I remember the tea pot on the stove. I remember what I was wearing. I remember where my friends were. I remember the day and I remember what the weather was like.

I was living in the projects back in those days in Washington State. I was a child. The only other person that knows of this is my mother. When I told her what happened, she filed charges against the old man that assaulted me.

We went to court. I was put on the stand. In front of a courtroom of people, in front of my accuser. The Judge who presided over that case asked me if I could state where the old man touched me, assaulted me, raped me. All I could say was “down there”.

Because I did not know the technical word for “down there” was a vagina, the man who assaulted me got off scott free. I was six years old. I remember every scintilla of details, even down to the clothing I was wearing.

The man who did this to me got away with it because I didn’t know what the word ‘vagina’ meant. I was 6 years old. My mother and I had to ride down an elevator with my assailant. I want the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh to be held to account.

When you are sexually assaulted, you never forget it. The date. The time. The place.

For the record… We verified this story with state records.

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