
Hah-Hah! Anderson Cooper Confronts Cory Booker on Changing Timeline Behind his Spartacus “Stunt” (VIDEO)

- September 07, 2018

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) made a scene at the Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday morning.
The aspiring Democrat from New Jersey told the committee he was releasing “committee confidential” Kavanaugh documents whilst admitting he would be “knowingly violating the rules” and could possibly be ousted from the Senate.

Cory Booker released 12 pages of Kavanaugh emails wherein the Judge discussed racial inequality, including a thread with the subject line, “racial inequality.”

Booker called this his “Spartacus” moment.

Later in the day it was revealed the emails in question were approved for release on Wednesday.
This was all a big show by Corey Booker.

On Thursday night CNN’s Anderson Cooper pressed Corey Booker over his changing timeline.
This was comedy gold.

The post Hah-Hah! Anderson Cooper Confronts Cory Booker on Changing Timeline Behind his Spartacus “Stunt” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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