
Kavanaugh Has The Votes, But Are We Prepared For What Follows?

- September 28, 2018

Following the hearing on Brett Kavanaugh, word started trickling out that the Republicans in the Senate had the votes to confirm him.

Despite everything that has gone on since his initial public hearings had concluded, Kavanaugh is set to become the next Supreme Court Justice, and the second one nominated by Donald Trump. If that is the case, then conservatives can rejoice.

Given the tactics, the outrage, the threats, and the insanity that we’ve seen, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh is going to cause a lot of public protesting… and worse.

Activists have already shown a proclivity toward mob rule and violence. That will continue, and increase, as the process moves on. There will be another scheduled “Women’s March” in protest of his swearing in. There will be people in the streets targeting anyone who wears an American flag or has a MAGA hat. There will be violence.

I am not saying this to discourage Republicans. On the contrary, I think it’s more important than ever to show people who would use those tactics that they don’t work, that you cannot intimidate conservatives into changing their minds. To do so only invites worse behavior.

I don’t like what’s happened, and I don’t like what’s going to happen. But you know it’s going to happen. The plans are likely already underway.

If I’m wrong, and they don’t happen, then great. Maybe that’s progress. I just don’t think that a group of people who have been whipped into a frenzy are going to stop and take a deep breath here. They are going to protest harder.

As I said last night, this whole process has been a tragedy. I am very worried, however, that it’s only going to get uglier.

The post Kavanaugh Has The Votes, But Are We Prepared For What Follows? appeared first on RedState.


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