Is Google biased against the right?
The easy answer is yes. Then again, so is the complicated one.
It all boils down to recurring incidents that show everyone that when it comes to the right, they can expect nothing less than the short end of the proverbial stick. Be it the consistent snubs from Google’s doodle on the search page, to the fact that its now defunct fact-checking function only seemed to “fact-check” conservatives sites, Google has proved time and again that if you’re right-of-center, you’re second class.
This is why when Axios took a poll to see how many people thought Google was politically biased, 67 percent of Republicans answered yes.
From Newsbusters:
An Axios poll, released on Sept. 6, showed that a large number of people believe Google search results are skewed to favor a certain side. Two-thirds (67 percent) of those who identified as Republican said they were concerned that Internet search engines were “biased to favor a liberal point of view.”
It continued, citing a similar poll that got similar results:
This replicates the results of a poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates and released by the Media Research Center, which stated that 64.6 percent of those polled believed that social media companies are “purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites.”
It’s not surprise that so many on the right believe that Google is biased. I’m actually surprised that it’s not more. Google has been confronted with its own bias for years now. In fact, not long ago, there was video evidence that Google was rigging search results to favor Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections so that negative stories were few and far between. That video, for some reason, is now gone from YouTube’s library of videos.
It doesn’t help that Google punished famous YouTube personality Phillip DeFranco for not making a pro-Clinton video by disinviting him from being on that year’s “YouTube Rewind video.” DeFranco is not a right-winger, but was not going to use his channel to promote a candidate regardless, and according to him was punished for it.
They also punished DeFranco for giving a famous social justice activist the title of “douchebag of the day” when she verbally abused a Lyft driver who refused to take down a Hawaiian dashboard bobble decoration because, according to her, it was offensive to someone, somewhere.
Again, DeFranco is not known for being right-wing. In fact, he’s demonstrated how not on the right he is from time to time. Still, Google punished him for not utilizing his platform for their political wishes, or even sometimes defying them. It’s hard to see this happen to DeFranco, and watch James Damore be fired, and not come to the conclusion that Google’s bias is off the charts.
If only 67 percent of Republicans think Google is biased, then apparently the message isn’t get out well enough. As I wrote earlier, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted his site was targeting the right, be it on accident. I don’t believe him in the least that it was accidental , but at least he’s admitting it’s happening. Google is playing dumb.
The question is, what are we going to do about it?
My solution is to go somewhere else.
Haaaave ya met DuckDuckGo?
The post Majority of Republicans Believe Google is Biased, and They’re Still Rookie Numbers appeared first on RedState.