This past week anti-Trump activist Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of groping her over her swimsuit sometime around 36 years ago at an unknown time and place. The three men she accused of being present during the incident have all vehemently denied her accusations. And Ford’s friend also denies the allegations.
Ford picked at least two far left attorneys to represent her and top Democrat advisers helped her plot her strategy to stall the process and smear Judge Kavanaugh.
** Judge Brett Kavanaugh vehemently denies the allegations
** Patrick Smyth, a former high school classmate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has denied attending the alleged party where Christine Blasey Ford says Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her in the 1980s.
** Alleged witness Mark Judge defended Brett Kavanaugh again Tuesday in a letter through his lawyer to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley.
** And now, Leland Ingham Keyser, a life-long friend of Christine’s has denied the accusations.
Most Americans also do not believe Christine Ford.
In fact, only 25% of women believe Ford’s accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. reported:
A new poll from The Huffington Post indicates that only a quarter of women believe that the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are credible.
25 percent of women responding say that the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are credible, while 35 percent say that they haven’t heard enough to decide and 18 percent aren’t sure, according to a new poll from HuffPost/YouGov.
For men, there are less who are undecided: 28 percent say that they find the allegations credible, but 34 percent who say they are not credible. 29 percent of men haven’t heard enough and 10 percent aren’t sure.
The poll was taken between September 17 – 18 and samples 1000 adults in the U.S.
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