In line with her party’s mantra of never letting a good crisis go to waste, fake Indian Elizabeth Warren is now trying to fund raise off of the Christine Blasey Ford covfefe.
Demonstrating no shame, Warren sent out an email blast talking about Blasey Ford-Kavanuagh red herring, while also begging for campaign donations.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., keeps it classy. She is currently fundraising for her future presidential campaign using the sexual assault allegations lodged against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“Christine Blasey Ford has done a brave thing in coming forward. She deserves to be heard and treated with respect. Now it’s the Senate’s job to make sure that happens,” the Massachusetts Democrat wrote in an email. And then, down toward the bottom, the senator includes a button where progressives can donate, presumably to make sure that happens and definitely to fill the Warren war chest.
Warren sent the email Tuesday. The Washington Times was the first to report it, and condemnation has followed. If Warren and her colleagues believe Ford, the normal critique goes, they would fight for her and make sure her story was aired, instead of using her to make a buck.
To exploit an allegation of sexual assault for fundraising purposes is politics at its lowest and no one goes lower than Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Christine Blasey Ford accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both in high school, and Warren saw dollar signs.
Out went the fundraising email blast: “This is outrageous. Brett Kavanaugh was already disqualified to serve on the Supreme Court. But now we’re learning new information about a sexual assault allegation.”
Just as a matter of clarity, Warren had disqualified the nominee even before she knew who it was. At a protest in front of the court when President Trump named Kavanaugh, there were signs reading “Stop Hardiman,” “Stop Kethledge,” and “Stop Kavanaugh” on site, just in case.
Back to Warren’s email: “If we all get in this fight right now, from Boston and across the country – then we’ve got a fighting chance at stopping the Republicans and Kavanaugh in their tracks.”
The email links to an online petition but the predominant feature is the big red “Donate Now” button below the missive.
Of course Elizabeth Warren has been completely silent about the sexual exploits and abuses by her fellow liberals such as Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison. Because she can’t make money off of them.
The post Predictable: Elizabeth Warren Fundraises Off Christine Blasey Ford Story appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.